Increase Your eCommerce Sales With Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) - JoomShaper

Increase Your eCommerce Sales With Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

17 May 2024
Hits 529
6 min read
Increase Your eCommerce Sales With Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Ever feel like your online store has lots of visitors, but tumbleweeds when it comes to sales? We've all been there. That's where Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) comes in.

CRO is all about using data to understand how people navigate your website, and then using those data to give your store a makeover. But instead of picking a new font (although you can do that too!), we focus on making it a breeze for people to find what they want and hit that "buy" button.

Let's dive in and learn some powerful CRO strategies for your eCommerce store!

Why is CRO Crucial for eCommerce Success?

Summing it up in one sentence: CRO lets you double your eCommerce sales without a traffic explosion.  

Unlike traditional stores, your online store is a treasure trove of customer data. You can track every visitor's journey, identify drop-off points, and pinpoint areas for improvement. 

Here's a simple formula to illustrate the impact of CRO:

Sales = Traffic x Conversion Rate x Average Order Value

Imagine you want to double your sales. You can achieve this by:

  • Doubling your website traffic (difficult and expensive)
  • Doubling your conversion rate (more achievable with CRO)
  • Doubling your average order value (upselling and cross-selling strategies)

Increasing traffic can be expensive through advertising, and upping the average order value relies on upselling and cross-selling strategies. But CRO lets you focus on the conversion rate, a more achievable target. 

Even a small increase in conversion rate can significantly boost your sales without a drastic traffic surge.

Calculating Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action, typically making a purchase. It's calculated by dividing your total sales by website visits within a specific timeframe.

Conversion rate = number of sales/number of visitors

Let's say you run an online clothing store. If you receive 1,000 website visits in a month and have 50 sales of shirts, your conversion rate would be 50 divided by 1,000, or 5%.

CRO & A Reliable eCommerce Solution is the Framework for Success

CRO & EasyStore

There's no one-size-fits-all solution for CRO. However, a structured approach built on data insights will let you optimize your eCommerce store for success. 

Here's how:

  1. Choosing a powerful eCommerce platform: Choose a reliable Joomla eCommerce solution like EasyStore, which offers user-friendly features to build a professional website and manage your online store efficiently.

  2. Uncover user behavior with analytics: Integrate website analytics tools like Google Analytics to gain valuable insights into user behavior. Analyze how customers navigate your website, identify potential drop-off points, and map out their journey across various touchpoints.

The Conversion Funnel: Breaking Down the Journey

Using the insights from the analytics tools, you can break conversion into a three-stage journey:

  1. Interest: Does the user find what they're looking for?
  2. Desire: Does the user want to add the product to their cart?
  3. Action: Does the user complete the checkout process?

By optimizing each stage, you can significantly improve your overall conversion rate.

Stage 1: The User Finds What They're Looking For

EasyStore Categories & Tags

Many potential customers abandon your store before purchase for two main reasons:

  • Lack of trust: Unimpressive design, missing information, or a complex layout can deter users.
  • Poor findability: If users can't find the products they need, they'll leave frustrated.

Here's how to address these issues:

  • Build trust: A professional-looking website is essential to build trust. EasyStore integrates seamlessly with JoomShaper's library of beautiful, conversion-optimized eCommerce templates to help you create a trustworthy online store in no time.
  • Enhance findability: EasyStore offers built-in search functionality with filtering options. You can also leverage EasyStore's ​​categories and tags to meticulously categorize your products. This allows users to browse by specific criteria, narrowing their search and increasing the likelihood of finding what they need. 

Stage 2: The User Adds the Product to Their Cart

EasyStore Add to Cart

Once a user finds an interesting product, you need to ignite their desire to buy. Three key drivers influence this stage:

  • Emotional triggers: EasyStore allows you to upload high-quality product images, and videos. You can create product descriptions that focus on the benefits and emotional connection users have with the product.
  • Tangible value proposition: EasyStore has deep integration with SP Page Builder - the leading Joomla page builder, that lets you edit single product pages to showcase product features and benefits prominently. You can also utilize variant options to highlight different product options (e.g., size, color).
  • Social proof: You can also showcase user reviews and testimonials directly on your product pages, and even encourage social sharing with EasyStore to leverage the power of social influence. 

Stage 3: Checkout Conversion Rate Optimization 

EasyStore Checkout Conversion Rate Optimization

The final hurdle is a smooth and streamlined checkout process. 

Here's where EasyStore's features shine:

Increase Motivation

  • Limited-time offers & promotions: EasyStore's built-in coupon system allows you to create limited-time discounts and promotions to incentivize purchase decisions.
  • Real-time stock levels: EasyStore allows you to display real-time stock levels, creating a sense of urgency and encouraging immediate purchase.

Facilitate Ease of Purchase

  • Guest checkout: EasyStore offers guest checkout functionality, allowing users to purchase without creating an account, reducing friction and simplifying the process.
  • Multiple payment options: EasyStore integrates with popular payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and more, catering to user preferences and streamlining checkout.
  • Transparent shipping costs: EasyStore allows you to configure various shipping options and display shipping costs upfront during checkout, building trust and avoiding surprises. You can also offer free shipping above a certain order value as an incentive directly within EasyStore.
  • Clear and concise checkout process: EasyStore's checkout process is designed to be clear and user-friendly. You can customize the checkout flow to minimize form fields and ensure a smooth navigation experience. 

Give a Little Nudge (The Final Push)

EasyStore Conversion Rate Optimization

Sometimes, users just need a gentle nudge to complete their purchase. 

Since EasyStore has integration with SP Page Builder, you can create enticing Exit-Intent pop-ups for your EasyStore site. These targeted exit-intent pop-ups can offer discounts or free shipping to entice users to complete their purchases before abandoning their carts.

Key Takeaways

Here are some key takeaways from the article:

  • Conversion formula: Understand the impact of CRO on sales using a simple formula.
  • eCommerce platform: Choose a reliable eCommerce solution like EasyStore for your online store.
  • Optimize conversion funnel: Break down the customer journey into interest, desire, and action stages.
  • Enhance user experience: Improve the findability and trustworthiness of your store to increase conversions.
  • Product presentation: Utilize emotional triggers and social proof to drive desire for your products.
  • Streamlined checkout: Ensure a smooth and hassle-free checkout process to minimize cart abandonment.
  • Continuous optimization: CRO is an ongoing process; continuously experiment and refine your strategies.

By implementing these CRO strategies and leveraging the powerful features of EasyStore, you can significantly improve your eCommerce conversion rate and turn website visitors into loyal customers. 

Learn MoreGet EasyStore

Zareen Tasnim

Zareen Tasnim

Technical Content Writer
Zareen is a technical content writer at JoomShaper. She's a tech enthusiast, writer by day, programmer by night, and always a foodie at heart!
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