I am finding it frustrating the SPPB does not allow relative urls when adding a button. Instead we are forced to use Absolute URL path and with many buttons on site that link to other site pages.
When a beta site is ready to go live we have to put the site off line and redo all the absolute site URL paths. It's a tedious process one that should have to be done if PSPB would recognize both Absolute and Relativer paths.
I am coming from Joomlashine Pagebuilder 4 (no longer available). PBV4 recognized both when adding a site page to a button.
I did try a relative path to a product button but it doe snot work. the drreaded 404 error the the browser url did see the correct path but not page.
Relative path: /cpa-devices/cpa-products/vertical-depth-gauge
Result: 404 error https://test.2bpdesign.com/cpa-devices/cpa-products/vertical-depth-gauge
Can this be done in the near future please or is ther a hot fix that van be added now.