Display Issues With Offcanvas Menu On Mobile Devices - Question | JoomShaper

Display Issues With Offcanvas Menu On Mobile Devices


Marc Neugebauer

General 2 months ago

Dear Support Team,

I am experiencing issues with the Offcanvas menu on my website, which is built using the Astroid Framework for Joomla. While the menu works perfectly on the desktop version of the site, displaying all menu items and links correctly, the Offcanvas menu appears completely blank on mobile devices (both on a mobile phone and an iPad), without any menu items or links.

Here are some specific details about the issue:

Desktop View: The Offcanvas menu functions as expected; all menu elements are visible and accessible. Mobile View: The menu appears empty, with no visible menu items or links. There is no interaction possible for the user. Tested Devices: The issue occurs on both the iPad and mobile phone. Framework: I am using the Astroid Framework for Joomla.

I would greatly appreciate any support or guidance you could provide to resolve this issue.

Joomla5 Template: TP-Medical Astroid

1 Answers
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 months ago #153913

Hi Marc,

But we are NOT support of Astroid framework and TP-Medical doesn't belong to Us. You have to talk with its seller/developer > joomlaplates(.de).

I cannot help, Support Policy rule 8.8.

JoomShaper = Helix Ultimate templates only.