How to Use WebP Images in Joomla - JoomShaper

How to Use WebP Images in Joomla

03 July 2020
Hits 15,806
5 min read
How to Use WebP Images in Joomla

Good day Joomlers! Hope you're hanging in there and working on your Joomla skills during troubled times. As your users spend more and more time online, I'm sure your website’s traffic is increasing by a significant amount. Thus, your server bandwidth cost could also jump up. 

It's nothing worse than having to worry about a massive web hosting bill at the end of every month. So, we're going to discuss a simple trick to reduce your bandwidth costs by 25-35% without skimping out on quality or reliability. 

And, the answer is WebP.

In this article today, we're going to discuss what WebP images are, what their benefits are, and how to use WebP images in Joomla websites. 

What are WebP Images

WebP is an image format developed by Google and optimized for use on the web. So, this is the perfect image format that can very easily replace more than the 25-year-old JPG or the 23-year-old PNG format. WebP supports both lossless and lossy image compression, all the while leaving a smaller footprint on your web hosting. 

WebP is said to be natively supported by multiple browsers out of the box like Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, the Opera browser, and more. Apple’s Safari browser has just started supporting WebP files in the most recent version. Looks like Apple is finally jumping on the WebP train! To know in details which browsers and versions support WebP, visit this infographic.

What are the Benefits of Using WebP Images

According to Google’s reports, On average, lossless WebP images are 26% lighter than the same PNG images. Moreover, in the lossy category, WebP images are 25-34% smaller than JPEG images with comparable quality. 

The interesting fact is that even your lossy images will support transparency, which you couldn't do with lossy JPEG images as JPG doesn't support transparency. This will give you a significant 3x reduction in size when comparing transparent images on both PNG and WebP formats.   

Moreover, WebP can also serve as a replacement for GIF image formats. We all know how notoriously slow GIF is to load, right? According to Google's reports, lossy animated WebP images give you a 64% drop in size while lossless ones drop the size by 19%. If your website is mainly image driven, using WebP images in Joomla will have a guaranteed affect on overall load times and hosting costs. 

How to Use WebP Images in Joomla

So, how do you use this next-gen image format on your website? SP Page Builder, of course! SP Page Builder has native support for WebP images that will let you lighten the load on bandwidth by allowing for smaller size images while retaining the quality and resolution. To do this, we'll be using the Image addon. It's super simple, just follow these 5 easy steps and you'll be good to go:

Step 1: To use this image format, you need WebP format support in your GD library on your server. If you're having trouble with installing this library, please contact your hosting provider to assist you with this. 

Step 2: After that, you can head to any of your SP Page Builder pages, and insert an image addon to see how it works.

How To Use WebP Images in Joomla

In this example, let's try replacing a pre-existing PNG image with a converted WebP image, and see how it looks. At first, we’ll download this png image, and then we will delete it from the page. We’ll take this png image and convert it into WebP format. There are tons of WebP converters online that you can use, or use the official WebP converter given by Google.

How To Use WebP Images in Joomla

Step 3: After deleting and converting, click on “Choose your image” which will bring up the image uploader. Locate your WebP image as you normally do, and click on upload. 

How To Use WebP Images in Joomla

Step 4: When the upload is done, you can select it, and click insert. Voila! You’ve inserted a WebP image to your Joomla site. Can't tell the difference? That's exactly the point! But we've just shaved of 120kb off of your Joomla page. This might not seem like a lot, but think about how many design elements can be shrunk like this. At the end of the day, we'll be saving a significant amount on hosting while also improve load times. 

How To Use WebP Images in Joomla

Bonus Step 5: But that’s not all! You can also use WebP images in Joomla articles using SP Page Builder. While writing an article, instead of using the Joomla Editor, simply toggle SP Page Builder, and you can follow the same procedure to add WebP images instead. Learn more about using SP Page Builder on your Joomla blog by watching this video tutorial.

To learn more about the technicalities of WebP and how it works, you can read the developer article by Google. You can also use the converter tool provided by Google to make your website much lighter.

Wrapping Up

This simple trick will definitely help you save money and load-time through optimized images and animations. A few hundred kilobytes of data doesn’t seem like much, but in the long run these minor data saving tricks will reduce your bandwidth cost and lead-time by a large margin.

We live in a world where our site visitors are growing each and every day, and accommodating more and more people increases our expenses. If you’re running a website that is specially image-heavy, it’s definitely a good idea for you to start converting all your images to WebP files to make good use of your hosting bandwidth. As always, if you’ve got any confusions with this process, feel free to comment down below and we’ll surely get back to you!

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Ruhit Rafian

Ruhit Rafian

Technical Content Writer
Ruhit is a technical content writer at JoomShaper. He writes about technology, loves music and gaming, and likes to occasionally get lost into the mountains.
3 years ago
Hi guys,

1 - would be good to add to the article the News: During today's WWDC Keynote, Apple showed off the latest version of macOS Safari that will ship with iOS 14 and macOS 11 Big Sur. In the developer notes, Apple notes that it has added WebP image support for the first time in Safari.

2 - Please, Has the same WebP support been added to Helix Ultimate 2.0 ?

3 - What about WebM audio/video SPPB / Helix Ultimate support ?
Ruhit Rafian
Ruhit Rafian
3 years ago
Thanks for your valuable suggestions. I love these!
And as for WebM support, considering all the pros and cons of WebM vs MP4, we've chosen to just stick to MP4 as it's supported by virtually all browsers.
3 years ago
I like that the proposals are being implemented so quickly! 8)
Ruhit Rafian
Ruhit Rafian
3 years ago
That's because we like you guys' proposals so much! :)
3 years ago
3 years ago
You complicate things doing manual converting when you can do another better model that is better for users. I use the DJ-WebP that doing the WebP converting "on the fly" and it working well with all Joomla extenions and also HU. Other methods is stone age :)
Ruhit Rafian
Ruhit Rafian
3 years ago
Hi ssnobben!
DJ-WebP is actually amazing, I actually researched about it while writing this article. Yes, it does everything automatically and "on the fly" but at the end of the day, it's a dedicated plugin just for serving and converting to WebP.
On the other hand, we've simply added WebP support in SP Page Builder.
3 years ago
Hi This plugin is Really much more useful to both Traditional Formats and WebP
With the ochResponsiveImages system plugin, you can configure a set of breakpoints: sizes for devices you want to support and will Convert your images to the WebP image format and serve these to browsers that already support them. You can Place Jpg and PNGs and this converts and servers the optimum sized image whatever the visiting browser can handle Works with helix ultima and SP Page Builder But only foreground images you can handle Background images with Bespoke CSS code and a Modernizr script
Ruhit Rafian
Ruhit Rafian
3 years ago
This plugin looks really cool! Will definitely have to research on it.
3 years ago
I usually use ps to compress images, option save for web. i tried to convert and you know. webp is 147kb and standard in ps optimized jpg is 138kb. From time to time i return to this webp format and photoshop jpg compression is better.
Ruhit Rafian
Ruhit Rafian
3 years ago
Yes compressing using ps is a great idea, but you do lose out on quality on certain kinds of images.
JPG uses very old compression techniques and that's why WebP will always have better quality with same size. That's why WebP is a good idea. But in most cases, a compressed jpg works perfectly well.
3 years ago
I am inspired with your post writing style & how continuously you describe this topic. After reading your post, thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel happy about it and I love learning more about this topic. You may also like best-restaurants-paris
Ruhit Rafian
Ruhit Rafian
3 years ago
Thank you for the kind words! Will definitely check it out! :)
Dmitry Goncharov
Dmitry Goncharov
3 years ago
Unfortunately, JPEG compression in WEBp does not reduce the image weight.

JPG 119Kb turned into WEBp 140Kb
Ruhit Rafian
Ruhit Rafian
3 years ago
I tested with several JPG and PNG images against their WebP counterparts and in all cases WebP was better. I think you're probably lowering the jpg quality too much which will result in smaller images but also very low quality images.
Dmitry Goncharov
Dmitry Goncharov
3 years ago
Yes. I compress a JPG image via the TINYPNG service. And then compare with WEBp and JPG clearly less. So is it easier to compress a JPG better than to dance with a tambourine around a WEBp? ))
Ruhit Rafian
Ruhit Rafian
3 years ago
Here's a link to a Google Drive folder where I uploaded some of the WebP vs JPG images I tested. For the jpg images, i used TinyPNG, and for WebP I used If this doesn't convince you, then even a dancing tambourine won't be able to :p
3 years ago
It would be good to have also an automatic resize on the fly png plg for tiny png, similar like this one also support for JCE editors image system and other like EasyBlog, EasySocial images etc

Petr Benes
3 years ago
Hi there, webp is great format, but fallback jpeg image is nesesary because Safari still not supported webp. I don't understand why SP Page Builder does not allow put fallback jpeg in picture tag. Without this, webp is not usable! :(
3 years ago
Is it possible to install WebP in blog options section
Ruhit Rafian
Ruhit Rafian
3 years ago
You can't exactly use WebP in blog options, but if you're using SP Page Builder, you can always use it for blogs. Please follow this article to use SP Page Builder for articles.
Maria Feifel
3 years ago
Hey Ruhit, thanks a lot. How do we include the fallback option in jpeg or png format for safari users please?
Ruhit Rafian
Ruhit Rafian
3 years ago
Hey Maria! Unfortunately there are no options to add a fallback image in other formats for safari users at the moment. However, I have sent this feedback to the devs for this feature.
Rinaldo De Angeli
2 years ago
Hi Ruhit, after 1 year new for fallback image in SP?
2 years ago
Don't forget the new kid on the block, avif image format, even a smaller footprint than webp for the same image quality. Avif has yet to have gone viral but it took webp 10 years or more before it gathered momentum. We are dealing with a legacy situation now with jpegs and pngs as older browsers do not support webp. A solution maybe for websites built with SP Pagebuilder to automatically render webp if the website visitor's browser supports it then if not send jpegs/pngs instead. Obviously the additional code overhead would need to be balanced with the gain of sending webp images.

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