Managing Customer Reviews  | EasyStore - Documentation | JoomShaper


Updated Last: 14 May 2024

Managing Customer Reviews 

Customer reviews play a significant role in building trust and credibility for your online store. EasyStore provides a user-friendly way to manage and create customer reviews for products. 

To access customer reviews, go to Joomla Dashboard > Components > EasyStore > Reviews

Here, you can manage and display customer feedback about your products. 

Manage Customer Reviews in EasyStore

In the Review List, you can see the reviewer's name, the star rating given by the reviewer, the name of the product the review is associated with, and the status which indicates whether the review is approved (visible to customers) or pending approval.

Adding New Reviews

To create a new review, go to Joomla Dashboard > Components > EasyStore > Reviews

Click on + New to initiate the process of adding a new review.

Ratings: Choose a rating from 1 to 5. For example, select "1" for a one-star rating.

Subject: Enter a subject for the review, summarizing the customer's experience.

Message: Provide the main content of the review, where the customer can share their thoughts and feedback about the product or service.

Status: Set the review status as "Published" to make it visible to others.

After filling in the review details, click the "Save" or “Save & Close” button to add the review to the system.