Update & Backup | EasyStore - Documentation | JoomShaper


Updated Last: 14 May 2024

Update & Backup

Keeping your EasyStore installation up to date and maintaining regular backups are essential practices to ensure the security, stability, and data integrity of your online store. 

This section provides guidelines for updating your EasyStore extension and creating backups of your store's data.

Updating EasyStore

Keeping EasyStore up-to-date ensures that you have access to the latest features, bug fixes, and security enhancements. 

Here's how you can update the EasyStore extension:

  1. Backup Your Store: Before performing any updates, it's crucial to create a backup of your store's files and database. This ensures you have a restore point in case anything goes wrong during the update process.
  2. Access Joomla Backend: Log in to your Joomla backend using your admin credentials.
  3. Navigate to EasyStore: In the Joomla admin menu, go to "Components" and select "EasyStore."
  4. Check for Updates: Within the EasyStore dashboard, look for an "Updates" or "Check for Updates" option.  
  5. Update Process: Click on the one-click update option to initiate the update process. 
  6. Verify Post-Update: After updating, thoroughly test your store to ensure all functionalities are working as expected. Check your products, categories, checkout process, and any customizations you have implemented.

Creating Backups

Regular backups are crucial for safeguarding your store's data against unexpected issues or data loss. Here's how you can create backups of your EasyStore:

  • Files Backup: Use FTP or your hosting control panel to create a backup of all your store's files. This includes the Joomla installation directory and any files related to EasyStore.
  • Database Backup: Most hosting providers offer tools to create database backups through their control panels. Alternatively, you can use Joomla extensions designed for database backups.
  • Database Export: You can also manually export your Joomla database using tools like phpMyAdmin. Ensure that you select all relevant tables associated with EasyStore.
  • Automated Backups: Consider setting up automated backup solutions through your hosting provider or using Joomla extensions. This ensures regular backups without manual intervention.

Storing Backups

  • Local Storage: Store backups on your local computer or a secure external storage device.
  • Cloud Services: Utilize cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or dedicated backup services for off-site storage.

Restoring from Backups

In case of a critical issue or data loss, you can restore your store using the backups you've created:

  • Files: Upload your backed-up files to the server using FTP.
  • Database: Use the backup files to restore your database using tools provided by your hosting provider or phpMyAdmin.