Anything can happen: risks in web projects - JoomShaper

Anything can happen: risks in web projects

06 January 2017
Hits 14,319
4 min read
Anything can happen: risks in web projects

Whenever you build websites, even not as a professional agency, you have to be prudent, foresighted and ready for different probable situations. Every business faces risks that could pose threats to its success. like in real life, things may go wrong In web projects, not always because of your fault.

We learn by making mistakes, but it's better to be prepared than unpleasantly surprised. Today we will talk about risk management in web projects. I think it will be a universal lesson for all Joomla, WordPress and Drupal developers, including web designers.


What is Risk Management? 

Anything that can cause you either to fall short of or to exceed your established project targets, if occurs, is considered to be a risk. The more complex your web project is, the more likely you are to encounter some aspects that don’t work out as you envisioned. Thus, you have the greatest chance for success if you confront the possibility of such changes head-on and if you plan to minimize their undesirable consequences from your project’s outset. Remember, sometimes even in quite easy projects, something may go wrong. Risk can affect anything like people, processes, technology, and resources.

According to the official definition, risk management is the continuous process to identify, analyze, evaluate, accept and treat loss exposures and monitor risk control and financial resources to mitigate the adverse effects of loss. Risk management involves understanding, analyzing and addressing the risk to make sure that You and your client achieve their objectives. Risk Management is concerned with all loss exposures, not only the ones that can be insured. Risk management offers the best chance for successfully accomplishing your project despite the uncertainties of a changing environment. Provide management with the information required to make informed decisions on issues critical to project success.


The following schema shows how you should manage potential risks.



Risk Examples and How to Deal with Them

Dealing with clients and IT security aspects in Joomla and WordPress with no prior experience increases your chances of facing such problems. Start managing risks from the beginning of your project, and continue to do so throughout its performance.

Risk Description
Probability  Consequences Preventive measures / minimizing the negative consequences
You will not get all text contents for new website. High
(If this client is always busy or this is his first website.)
You won't be able to finish the project in time, a delay may take time reserved for next project(s). You can suggest the client that you will hire a copywriter
Client doesn't know what he really needs. High
(If this is the first website for client or you haven’t worked with this client before.)
Long delays, lots of changes, extra expenses, irritation on both sides. The precise scope of work in the contract, an additional payment for any significant change or you can divide the whole project into small parts, starting with the most needed feature. You should also spend more time talking with the client about their needs and budget for it.
You will not get right access to CMS administrator panel.  Middle You won't be able to clean website from malware or make changes according to the contract.You won't be able to clean website from malware or make changes according to the contract.You won't be able to clean website from malware or make changes according to the contract. Test all access data on the first day when you will get them, read about how to recover login & password to CMS if you have only access to FTP.
You bought photos which won't be used in this project because the client has changed mind.  High/Middle  Extra expenses. In the first preview, use photos with watermark taken from stock or use free images. Ask the client to buy photos by himself. Or ask him to deliver self-created photos.
In the middle of the project, client will say that he don't need a website or he found a cheaper webmaster.  Middle/Low Wastes time, expenses and big irritation from Your site. The advance payment and/or contractual penalty placed in the contract. You can tell him that cheaper doesn't mean better or faster as well.

Though it may require a bit of upfront work, proactively managing your project’s risks always pays dividends down the line. Everything is either an opportunity for business to grow or an obstacle to deter you from growing.

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