Introducing Architectural Firm - A Free Layout Bundle for All SP Page Builder Pro Users - JoomShaper

Introducing Architectural Firm - A Free Layout Bundle for All SP Page Builder Pro Users

10 January 2023
Hits 3,298
4 min read
Introducing Architectural Firm - A Free Layout Bundle for All SP Page Builder Pro Users

It’s no secret that branding is crucial to present the personality of your business. And that is more than true if you run an Architectural Firm given how much competition exists among architecture businesses and the design industry. 

To make your mark in this industry, let us introduce you to Architectural Firm - a free layout bundle for all our SP Page Builder 4.x Pro users! From splendidly showcasing your work, portfolio, and services, this layout pack brings it all together with endless customizations.

Let’s get into the details.

What’s Inside the Architectural Firm Layout Bundle?

The Architectural Firm layout bundle includes incredibly designed 6 ready-to-use pages guaranteed to wow every visitor. Every page is designed thoughtfully to present your work in the best light and persuade potential clients to hire your services. 

Let’s have a quick look at each of its pages:

  1. Home
  2. Services
  3. Project List
  4. Project Details
  5. About
  6. Contact


Architectural Firm Layout Bundle

Give a quick overview of the extraordinary works of your firm in a minimal yet stunning home layout to maximize conversions. Apart from the beautiful layout, the Home page includes high-quality images and a sleek slider that highlights the previous projects with the project’s location and type. 


Architectural Firm Layout Bundle

Score a sale with the neat and elegant service page of the Architecture Firm layout bundle. It brings all the focus to your services and has the perfect space to put a brief description of each of the offered services. With clear fonts and display images, you’re guaranteed to have a Service page that converts. 

Project List

Architectural Firm Layout Bundle

Your past projects play a tremendous role in the purchase decision of the prospects! The Project List page acts as a catalog to give the visitors idea about your work and capabilities as a Design Architect. Display your finest works with titles, display images, location, time, and more. The page allows a visual experience for the visitors allowing them to quickly view your works at a glance. 

Project Details

Architectural Firm Layout Bundle

The Project Details page is designed to give the customers detailed and benefit-focused information about each project. It embraces the power of a stunning slider, white space, and simplicity to aesthetically present the details of your project.


Architectural Firm Layout Bundle

No matter how attractive your projects and services are, it all boils down to customers’ trust. Build the bond between you and the prospective clients with the About page of the layout bundle. Tell your brand story, proudly present your team, show numbers that establish your abilities, and more! 


Architectural Firm Layout Bundle

The Contact page is minimal and straightforward. Put up your contact details, followed by an intuitive appointment form, social shares, and a map to make your location easily accessible. 

How to Access & Import a Layout Bundle?

All of the SP Page Builder Pro users, upon configuring the license key, can access, explore, and import any layout bundle.

In order to get the latest layout bundle, you need to update SP Page Builder Pro to the latest version. To get a step-by-step guideline on how to access and import a layout bundle, please visit this documentation page.

Quick Tips

Having issues with loading the layout bundles? Go to the Administrator dashboard of your Joomla site. From the System tab on the top, select Clear Cache, and then clear the cache for the Administrator. Similarly, clear the cache for the Site as well. And, the layout bundles should show up without any trouble.

If you run an architectural firm and still don’t have a web presence, this is your sign to build a professional site for your business. Get the Architectural Firm layout bundle now and start building a website that professionally presents your work and truly demonstrates your capabilities. 

Browse Layout BundlesGet SP Page Builder Pro

Zareen Tasnim

Zareen Tasnim

Technical Content Writer
Zareen is a technical content writer at JoomShaper. She's a tech enthusiast, writer by day, programmer by night, and always a foodie at heart!
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
1 year ago
Yes, this Layout Bundle is mostly for SPPB 4.0.x
1 year ago
Can be nice if the problem with bundles start work again. Until then we can only look at the nice pictures :)
1 year ago
No you cannot, the newer bundles do not show up in SPPB. Thats the point!
‏‏‎ ‎J‏‏‎‎e‏‎‏‏‎‎n‏‏‎‎s W.‏‏‎
‏‏‎ ‎J‏‏‎‎e‏‎‏‏‎‎n‏‏‎‎s W.‏‏‎
1 year ago
In case of this Layout-Bundle, it is showing up in SPPB 4.0.7 and Agency Licence.

I could also import the Bundle/Layout.
Zareen Tasnim
Zareen Tasnim
1 year ago
Hi Andreas, this layout bundle is for SP Page Builder 4.x Pro users. Please make sure you have the valid pro license key added and activated to import the layout. Thanks.

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