Helix Ultimate 2.0.8 Got a Performance Boost With Multiple Fixes & Improvements - JoomShaper

Helix Ultimate 2.0.8 Got a Performance Boost With Multiple Fixes & Improvements

27 April 2022
Hits 5,934
3 min read
Helix Ultimate 2.0.8 Got a Performance Boost With Multiple Fixes & Improvements

Howdy, Helix Ultimate users! One of the best ways you guys show support to us is by submitting bug reports and helping us do better. In our tremendous effort to make Helix Ultimate more stable and perfect, we always take every issue supported by our users seriously. 

And today, we're here with another such update that brings enhancements to existing features and fixes to known bugs.

Stay tuned to find out what this update has in store. 

Helix Ultimate v2.0.8 changelog: 

  • Update: Updated to Google Analytics 4
  • Fix: behavior.modal in user form issue
  • Fix: All checkboxes are disabled when one checkbox is set to disable issue 
  • Fix: J4 Full Image path issue
  • Fix: Gallery Carousel auto slide issue 
  • Fix: J3 Alert box close button issue 
  • Fix: Menu Dropdown toggle issue 
  • Fix: Article Details page division by 0 issue 
  • Fix: Edit Color Presets issue 

Enjoy a Strong Analytics Experience With Google Analytics 4

With today’s update, Helix Ultimate has updated Google Analytics to v4. Google Analytics v4 is built to keep up with a changing ecosystem, providing you the utmost flexibility to measure many different kinds of data. 

Helix Ultimate 2.0.8

You can easily add Google Analytics to your Helix Ultimate powered Joomla site by simply copying the Google Analytics Tracking Code and pasting it to the ‘Google Analytics Code’ field of the Advanced tab of the sidebar menu. 

Miscellaneous Fixes & Improvements

Apart from updating to Google Analytic 4, this update also brings a few fixes and improvements to your favorite Joomla template framework. 

All checkboxes disable issue: Previously, when you created a checkboxes field with multiple checkboxes in a form and set one checkbox to disabled, all checkboxes were set to disable instead of the selected one. This issue has been solved in today’s update. 

Alert box close button issue: If you leave the fields of a contact form empty and click the send button, an alert box appears. In the previous version, if you click the close button of the alert box, it doesn't work in J3. This has been fixed in today’s version. 

Gallery Carousel auto slide issue: The Gallery Carousel with more than one image is expected to slide after the page loads but it doesn’t in the previous version. This has been fixed in Helix Ultimate v2.0.8.

Apart from the above-mentioned issues, a lot of other issues reported by our valuable users have been addressed in this update. Please go through the changelog again to see if the issues you’ve reported have been addressed. 

Wrapping Up

Someone who waits silently for bugs to be resolved is almost certain to be disappointed. Let us know in the comments what other bugs are still bothering you so that we can fix them for you.

So, what’s the wait? Update your Helix Ultimate now to enjoy the latest fixes and improvements. Good day!

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Zareen Tasnim

Zareen Tasnim

Technical Content Writer
Zareen is a technical content writer at JoomShaper. She's a tech enthusiast, writer by day, programmer by night, and always a foodie at heart!
Ugur Uygur
Ugur Uygur
2 years ago
Good news, thanks to the producers.
2 years ago
Thanks for being with us.
2 years ago

Thanks again for your work.
This bug has been correctes?


2 years ago
Myself and many other colleagues have reported that Helix Ultimate does not work in multilanguage since version 2.0.5, 7 months ago, in this update the problem continues. They don't listen to us
2 years ago
I would like to know more about that bug, Please, Has it been reported here https://github.com/JoomShaper/helix-ultimate/issues ?!?
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
2 years ago
So far most cases on the forum were solved. Use forum support.
Fernando Bautista
2 years ago

Where can I report issues with Helix Ultimate?

I would like to collaborate sending possible failures but I don't see where.

Thank you.
2 years ago
Hi Fernando,
here: https://github.com/JoomShaper/helix-ultimate/issues
2 years ago
any news regarding my comment and this bug https://www.joomshaper.com/forum/question/11973 ?

car I update without loosing my changes from template settings?
2 years ago
Hi Paul Frankowski, sorry but this is not correct, Helix Ultimate 2 does not work in multilanguage in version 2.0.5, fixed in 2.0.6 and again error in 2.0.7 and 2.0.8. You know perfectly well, there are several open topics in the forum. The solution they give is a hack that does not solve the underlying error. They have many customers angry about this issue, they ignore us. Helix Ultimate doesn't work in multilanguage, please fix it!
2 years ago
You might want to fix Framwork on the landing page?

Muntasir Sakib
Muntasir Sakib
2 years ago
Thanks for pointing it out.
2 years ago
any news regarding my comment and this bug https://www.joomshaper.com/forum/question/11973 ?
2 years ago
Hi, thanks for this release.
The Menu Dropdown toggle issue fix is most welcome!

Is there any news on this 'feature' request: -
Many thanks
Daniel Östgård
2 years ago
Hi! Can't update my sites to 2.0.7. When I checked the update link https://www.joomshaper.com/updates/plg-system-helixultimate.xml it contains the old 2.0.7 version. See https://www.joomshaper.com/index.php?option=com_product&task=download.download&product=extension&id=56&sub=1.

Daniel Östgård
2 years ago
Sry, I meant can't update to 2.0.8
Zareen Tasnim
Zareen Tasnim
2 years ago
Hi Daniel, I've forwarded the issue to the team. We'll look into the matter and get back to you soon. Thank you.
2 years ago
the same issue with me. it complains that the version numbers are the same
Zareen Tasnim
Zareen Tasnim
2 years ago
The issue has been fixed. You can now update your site to the latest version without any issue.
Zareen Tasnim
Zareen Tasnim
2 years ago
The issue has been fixed. You can now update your site to the latest version without any issue.
2 years ago
why nobody answesr me ?
this is not professionnal....

any news regarding my comment and this bug https://www.joomshaper.com/forum/question/11973 ?
Zareen Tasnim
Zareen Tasnim
2 years ago
Hi Laurent, sorry for the late reply. I've forwarded the issue to the team. We are looking into the matter. Thank you for your patience.

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