Helix Ultimate 2.0 Alpha 6 Brings Full-Screen Modal Headers, Endless Customization Freedom, Off-Canvas Layouts, and More - JoomShaper

Helix Ultimate 2.0 Alpha 6 Brings Full-Screen Modal Headers, Endless Customization Freedom, Off-Canvas Layouts, and More

23 February 2021
Hits 8,367
3 min read
Helix Ultimate 2.0 Alpha 6 Brings Full-Screen Modal Headers, Endless Customization Freedom, Off-Canvas Layouts, and More

Drumroll, please! Helix Ultimate 2.0 Alpha 6 is now available to test with a new world of possibilities. The latest build is now out with new header variations with full-screen modal, off-canvas layouts, endless customization freedom, and other performance boosts. Excited to find out what we’ve built so far? Let’s dive in.

Today’s (Feb 23) Alpha version is an experimental release and not ready for production sites. We wholeheartedly appreciate your interest in Helix Ultimate 2.0. You are invited to try this Alpha version, but DON’T use it on a production site.

Before we proceed, it’s time to catch up with the alpha 5 release notes. The template framework is still under development so we recommend you run this version on a test site and give us your feedback.

Have a look at the latest changelog of the Helix Ultimate Alpha 6:

  • New: 3 header variations will full-screen modal
  • New: 3 off-canvas layouts
  • New: Ability to add unlimited custom CSS/SCSS/JS files
  • Update: Redesigned off-canvas menu
  • Update: SCSS compiler updated
  • Fix: Sticky header jumping issue solved

3 New Header Variations With Full-Screen Modal

Ever wanted a modal that takes up a whole screen? Well, now you have three new header variations with full-screen modals in Helix Ultimate 2.0. Because the more the merrier!

To give you the maximum flexibility while configuring your dream website we have added 3 full-screen modal variants to choose from. With the Alpha 6 release, Helix Ultimate 2.0 is more equipped to meet every preference for the header structure.

3 New Off-Canvas Layouts

Helix Ultimate 2.0 Alpha 6

Helix Ultimate 2.0 comes with a new frontier of design possibilities. We have put together 3 new responsive off-canvas layouts, each with specific functionality. They can be perfectly used on any screen size.

Unlimited Customization Freedom

Cherish the unlimited customization freedom Alpha 6 is bringing to you! Helix Ultimate 2.0 gives you the option to add as many custom CSS/JS/SCSS files for those who need even greater creative freedom.

To do that, go to the root directory of the template and select the css/js/scss folder accordingly. Inside the folder, create a folder and name it custom. Here, you can generate unlimited CSS/JS/SCSS files and it will be effective.

Please keep in mind, you have to name the folder custom to see the changes you are making.

Redesigned Off-Canvas Menu

Helix Ultimate 2.0 Alpha 6

Previously, we had to assign the menu manually to the off-canvas. To make the development process even easier, we have added the default menus in the template settings. Now you can select the off-canvas menu from the drop-down list right from the template settings.

You can enable or disable Search, Login, Social Links, and Contact from the template settings to have more control over your off-canvas menu.

Other Notable Improvements

Along with new features, you'll get to enjoy several fixes in this release.

On mouse scroll, sticky header used to start flickering. The fix for the annoying bounce has been applied in this update.

Also, the SCSS compiler has been updated to provide better workflows to maintain your stylesheets.

Wrapping Up

Helix Ultimate 2.0 Alpha 6 is now out on GitHub! Do give it a try to get a taste of the ultimate Joomla template framework. Keep your eyes on our blog and our newsletters for more updates on Helix Ultimate 2.0 and releases.

Let us know your feedback and valuable suggestions in the comments. Happy developing!

Warning: This is an experimental build intended for testing purposes. Please don't use this experimental version in production sites!

Try Helix Ultimate 2.0 Alpha 6

Zareen Tasnim

Zareen Tasnim

Technical Content Writer
Zareen is a technical content writer at JoomShaper. She's a tech enthusiast, writer by day, programmer by night, and always a foodie at heart!
Mac Joomla
3 years ago
Hey, this looks great!! Isn't it possible to place a module into position off canvas anymore? And in backend, if you want to select a Logo, there is no scrollbar in selection/upload window. And just a small question, what about having Basic > Logo Tab closed on clicking on Basic?
3 years ago
Thanks, we will add a module position in off-canvas soon.
James Helms
James Helms
3 years ago
Loving it! Will existing pre-built templates be updated with the latest Helix version? Or should we plan on rebuilding existing templates in Helix?
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
3 years ago
For sure all new upcoming templates will get HU 2.0, about older we have consider pro and con, we will inform.
Philip Walton - SoftForge
Philip Walton - SoftForge
3 years ago
Will Ultimate 2 (which linguistically has to be in the same class as almost unique and amish.com) will Ultimate2 be bootstrap5 and will it remove jQuery which so many projects are now doing in favour of vanilla and the speed boost? Joomla the core is now BS5 for J4 and will be bringing out an RC as the next offering
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
3 years ago
Thanks. We are also following the changes in the upcoming Joomla 4.0 version, so probably bootstrap 5 will appear in upcoming updates. But as you can check/know BT is still 5.0.0-beta2. Much depends on the pace of work on BT and Joomla. Time will tell the direction of changes.
3 years ago
Please test the template for multilanguage sites. I had a lot of issues when assigning the language selector on the menu in Helix 3.
Zareen Tasnim
Zareen Tasnim
3 years ago
Hi Hakan, you can easily create multilingual sites using Helix Ultimate 2.0. If you are interested, you can give this article a read to find out how to create multilingual sites using Helix Ultimate.
Adrian Versey
3 years ago
Hi The new Helix is very exciting. One question, can you disable the off canvas menu on the desktop view?
3 years ago
Anytime you can disable off-canvas from helix menu settings.
Follow this settings path "Menu -> Mega Menu ->Menu Type" .
3 years ago
imaginative things are coming up in the new Helix, but I sadly see old problems coming back in the sticky header.
One such example is that when the page scrolls down and the sticky header appears, the entire page jumps down the height of the header, down. This is a very confusing phenomenon. I remember this was already a confusing problem with both helix 2.5 and helix 3.
It would feel cool to have a flawless template! That could be the best!
May you have a nice day at work!
3 years ago
Already solved in this version. Can you make a hard refresh and check again.
3 years ago
OK. About this header:
very much missing in the header are some important features.
- header background transparent option !,
- content under the transparent bacground (section)
(currently this can only be done: section # sp-section-1 {margin-top: -80px;} - if the header is 80px high -)
3 years ago
Great news! FYI - Cloudflare have problems and is down for your --> newsletter.joomshaper.com - Host Error
3 years ago
Very impressive stuff :) Finally more variations for off-canvas and header , can't wait for stable release !
Sajeeb Ahamed
Sajeeb Ahamed
3 years ago
We are really happy to know that the new Helix Ultimate 2.0 makes you excited. We are planning to release some beta versions with all the bug fixes before the stable one. We hope we can present the stable version within a short period of time.
3 years ago
Tested and Alpha not solved the BUGs https://github.com/JoomShaper/helix-ultimate/issues/111
Siam Naulak
3 years ago
It will be really nice if the Search icon is clickable - https://prnt.sc/1067cgb

Thank you so much for the updates, all these will save lots of our time...
Sajeeb Ahamed
Sajeeb Ahamed
3 years ago
The search field is coming from the mod_search (J3) or mod_finder(J4) modules. I think it's okay to enter your search keywords and hit return.
Siam Naulak
3 years ago
Yes, we can hit Enter, but some senior citizen clients always want clickable, that makes sense for them.
Markus Steuerwald
3 years ago
When will the final version be ready?
Samuel Desloges
Samuel Desloges
3 years ago
Can we hope the final version for this summer?
Sajeeb Ahamed
Sajeeb Ahamed
3 years ago
We hope within April.
Roger Langaard
3 years ago
It's impossible to change Meny Text Color and Offcanvas Burger Icon. It's stuck at Black.
Roger Langaard
3 years ago
Found out about the Menu Text, but Off-canvas Burger Icon color is still a mysteri.
Carlos Miguel Soria
Carlos Miguel Soria
3 years ago
https://youtu.be/XdlBx8-b3Bc ?‍??‍? Review en español de la Plantilla Helix 2 0 Alpha 6 la cual se actulizo hace unos momentos, en este video, se revisa cuales son las mejoras, y los aspectos que deberían de corregirse.
Dmitry Goncharov
Dmitry Goncharov
3 years ago
Here is a review in Russian

Carlos Miguel Soria
Carlos Miguel Soria
3 years ago
Something that the template should also have, there are more design options for the presentation of the blog's contents, not only the one that the template brings by default

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