Helix Ultimate v2.0.11 Is Out With New Feature and Various Fixes - JoomShaper

Helix Ultimate v2.0.11 Is Out With New Feature and Various Fixes

18 August 2022
Hits 4,794
2 min read
Helix Ultimate v2.0.11 Is Out With New Feature and Various Fixes

Hey folks! We are back with another sizzling update of your favorite Helix Ultimate, rounding up on a few fixes this time. Also, apart from shining light on our regular fixes, we are also bringing you a new feature that will surely boost your experience further with Helix Ultimate.

For this week’s update, we addressed a few bugs that needed to be squashed and also included a new addition related to Articles/Blogs to ease up your work. 

Keep reading to find out what this update is about.

Helix Ultimate v2.0.11 changelog:

  • ​​New: Number of Columns added on Related Article Thumb view
  • Fix: Page Builder Lightbox popup issue
  • Fix: Page Builder 4 issue while compress CSS & JS was enabled
  • Fix: Page Builder Lazy load issue if Helix lazy load was enabled
  • Fix: Joomla 4.2.0 Two-Factor Authentication issue for Login module and User profile

Choose Column Number for Related Article Thumb View

With this update, you can now decide on the number of columns you want for your Related Articles panel. You can now columnize your related articles according to your necessity.

Notable Fixes

Previously, once the lightbox was activated in an Image addon, the image opened on a new window instead of popping up. After this update, the issue has been fixed and now your images should pop up fine. 

Previously, if both Page Builder and Helix Ultimate lazy loading were activated none of these would actually function properly. This has now been fixed and upon activating both the options, Page Builder Lazy Load gets primary priority.

Also in Joomla 4.2.0, the issue associated with Two-Factor Authentication for the Login module and User profile has now been resolved.

Update your Helix Ultimate to this latest version now to experience the mentioned changes. Our unfaltering team is always on the move to keep our products up-to-date to ensure maximum user convenience.

So what’s the wait for? Try out this update and let us know what you think in the comment section below. Good luck!

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Technical Content Writer
Sreema is a technical content writer at JoomShaper. In her copious free time she enjoys good food with good friends and loves moonlit strolls on the beach!
1 year ago
Superb updates :)
1 year ago
1 year ago
How about PHP 8.2?
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
1 year ago
I hope in one of the upcoming updates, only PHP 8.2.0 Beta 2 is available for testing. Stable should be in 24 November. We added it to the wish list already. BTW Have you checked how it works (or not) in PHP 8.2 beta?
1 year ago
Hi guys, Hi Paul,
Please, What about PHP 8.1.x compatibility ?
I'm asking because in the Documentation only PHP 8 is mentioned and on the 2.0.10 Blog post you spoke only about PHP 8.0...
1 year ago
How about
- Custom Fields?
- Dynamic Content?
- Joomla Versioning System?

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
1 year ago
Christoph, what is the relation with Helix template (and that blog post was only about that)? Custom fields are displayed in articles, and Versioning still works in Articles as it was.
KE Comm
KE Comm
1 year ago
Updating to 2.0.11 overwrote my template styles!!!
It reverted to default logo, deleted custom colors, enabled functions that were previously disabled like contact info.
That should not happen!
1 year ago
Hi KE Comm,
Thanks for addressing the issue, our developer team will take care of it soon.
Mahmudul Islam Prakash
Mahmudul Islam Prakash
1 year ago
Hello KE Comm,
We have tested the issue with old 2.0.10 version.
Changed the header logo, used custom preset color, switched off contact info and even used custom css to style some content of the template. Then we updated to helix 2.0.11. So far we haven't hound any issue as you described.
Can you please create and issue to out github helix page. Please describe your issue as elaborately as possible (i.e your prev helix version, php version, joomla version etc.)
Thank you
Elmir Mustafic
1 year ago
Nice, i would like to have possibility to select blog layout like masonry, grid, square, tower like in Portfolio.
1 year ago
Hi guys,
Please, What about the https://www.joomshaper.com/forum/question/6418 mentioned here: https://www.joomshaper.com/forum/question/6418 ?
(I'm not able to find it)
1 year ago
Hi Paul,

Why is my slideshow and articles scroller not showing on the front end of my website? Why are so many of the add ons malfunctioning?
1 year ago
Pls release Helix Ultimate v2.0.12 that is ready to public and avaible in Github

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