How to reuse custom designs in SP Page Builder - JoomShaper

How to reuse custom designs in SP Page Builder

19 December 2018
Hits 14,456
4 min read
How to reuse custom designs in SP Page Builder

You are already familiar with the top-notch functionalities that SP Page Builder offers. Let’s learn about a new one. SP Page Builder provides 115+ pre-designed blocks and 90+ pre-designed page layouts (still counting)! But if you can’t find what you’re looking for, then no worries, you can always make your own custom design with SP Page Builder. And yeah that's one of the main reasons behind SP Page Builders’ huge popularity.

A more interesting fact is (I'm unsure if you already know this), once you create a custom design, you can save it for later use as many times you want. That’s what we are going to learn today.

Reusing modified addons

Addons are there to create elementary things on your webpage. One addon can be used multiple times and quite frequently you may need to do the same modifications. Haven’t it occurred to you ever that, "if I could save the final modified version of that addon next time I wouldn’t have to do it all over again!"? Yes, you can. Now we will learn you a little trick: Once you’re done modifying any addon, click on the save icon to save it for later.

How to reuse custom design in SP Page Builder

Then give the addon's modified state a name that explains what it contain, purpose etc.

How to reuse custom design in SP Page Builder

Later you can find the saved addon(s) from SP Page Builder > Tools > My Addons.

How to reuse custom design in SP Page Builder

That’s it. Whenever you need to use that modified addon later, just go to “My Addons”, find it from the list, then drag and drop to your desired area. This feature is available from both the front and the back-end.

Reusing custom rows

The same procedure can be done with a single row. After you’ve created a row and put everything you need inside, you can then save the entire row and save it for later uses. To do so, click on the save icon of that row. See the screenshot below.

How to reuse custom design in SP Page Builder

Now save it with a proper name that explains its nature/functionality.

How to reuse custom design in SP Page Builder

To reuse it later, go to SP Page Builder > Tools > My Sections, find your saved row from the list, and then drag and drop it to your desired area.

How to reuse custom design in SP Page Builder

Reusing pages

I don’t know if you’re using it but this one I love the most. I use it all the time. It saves me a lot of time and work. You’re probably cursing me by now for bragging about it without even telling you what it actually is! Well, it’s the page export/import functionality. Yeah, you read it right. With SP Page Builder, you can export any page and store them for later use.

Let's have a quick look at how it's done.
You see there’s a "Tools" section on the left sidebar of SP Page Builder editor? Click on it and you’ll get a few options, click “Export” to export a page you’ve created.

How to reuse custom design in SP Page Builder

Doing so will provide you with a .json file which is the downloaded form of that page. Now there are 2 ways you can import a page. One from the backend and one from the frontend. To import a saved page from the frontend, once again click "Tools" and hit the “Import” button. You’ll see a prompt to choose the .json file, select it and you’ll get the page right away! But don't let your excitement fool you, you still need to hit the "Save" button at the bottom to complete the process. 

How to reuse custom design in SP Page Builder

To import the saved page from the backend, navigate to SP Page Builder dashboard, click on “New”. Then give the new page a title and hit “Import”.

How to reuse custom design in SP Page Builder

You’ll get a similar prompt to choose the .json file. Select it and you’ll get the page right away. There’s still one thing left to do, we need to save our work. Click on "Save" at the top of the page and we’re all set.

How to reuse custom design in SP Page Builder

Notice! You can reuse exported pages also on different websites, but you have to be sure that it contains the same list of addons. If not, some of them may not work. Exported .json file does not contain any addon inside, only layout and page settings. Also, you need to have the same images stored in the new destination to get the visuals. 

So you see SP Page Builder is not just a page builder, it's more of a treasure. You need to dig deeper to discover its amazing functionalities. Start your quest today, and let us know what you find in the comments below. Keep loving SP Page Builder, it will love you back! Thanks for being with JoomShaper ?

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5 years ago
I've been using for some time now. It's super. Perfection is missing a little bit. If I use my own addon or line in multiple places and make a change, I have to do it in multiple places. now I'm working on creating a joomla module that I use in the places I need. Any change in this module will take effect in all places where it is used.
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
Thanks, is not possible now. Addons settings are stored in single pages only. But we are still thinking about how to solve it in the future.
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
I have a temporary solution for you. Create an SPPB module. Put there information which is updated regularly and used on more than one page, then use this module inside MODULE addon on several pages.
5 years ago
Google translate :-)
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
Yes, we are using this tool too :)
5 years ago
It is a good feature, but it would be much better if the addons are saved at the account level and not for each website.
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
What is account level? Assigned to the user profile?
5 years ago
Yes, like a library item.
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
Thanks, Noted, I think it's good idea.
5 years ago
Thenx! I'm using this, and save more times!
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
Thanks, yes, we know. In our projects, we use it as well ;)
5 years ago
Great posting. I was not familiar with this feature. Keep posting. Also want to know if you have added new templates lately. How do i update my current template repo.
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
Thanks. The last new page template package was added on 14 December,

They are loaded from our API, so they are auto-updated.
5 years ago
I want to identify an issue. If you post custom html code in the code module the page cannot be re-edited
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
Maybe your HTML code included too much extra code. Remember there must be only clean HTML, but without: < body > tag, < link href, < script etc.
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
Some users make a simple mistake and they copy whole site code into a custom module. Do not repeat that mistake.
5 years ago
Yes this save tons of time and frustrations and great to improve. Thks team!
Saifur Rahman
Saifur Rahman
5 years ago
Yes, that's the beauty of it :D You are most welcome :)
James Peter
5 years ago
Thanks for the tips on reusing custom designs in SP Page Builder. It is very easy to use and you can build easily your Joomla website in just few hours.

Saifur Rahman
Saifur Rahman
5 years ago
Thank you for attesting what we say :)
5 years ago
It's a good feature very easy to use, thanks a lot
Saifur Rahman
Saifur Rahman
5 years ago
Glad you find it helpful.
Leon Garcia
4 years ago
This is a useful feature but I´m having a hard time to use.. Can you help?

The problem similar to Vladimír #7218 (I want to edit easily content and spread it throught the website)..

I have a secret SP page to build commonly used modules for my site... So I can edit those modules visually and avoid problems of adjusting it in the backend and refreshing constantly.

So I built 3 o 4 modules that already have format and styles exactly how we need in this secret page but I am not able to save them or copy them directly in the backend....

My intended solution was very easy, have this secret in the frontpage and save modules or rows, so each time I edit it I just visually edit it.
THEN go to the SP module in Backend erase content and / or load new info (and because of the ACL and page so this spreads all over the page).

The problem is that I cannot find anywhere in the backend SP Module where can I load my addons that I save in the frontend, nor load saved modules from SP directly...

(for now I have to export in front and import in back, but is is very tricky )

Can you give me a hand?

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