Introducing Nia: AI-Based Technical Support Assistant for JoomShaper Products - JoomShaper

Introducing Nia: AI-Based Technical Support Assistant for JoomShaper Products

23 June 2023
Hits 5,018
2 min read
Introducing Nia: AI-Based Technical Support Assistant for JoomShaper Products

Hello JoomShaper community,

We are excited to introduce a new member to our support team, Nia, the AI-based Technical Support Assistant, designed to enhance your JoomShaper experience. Nia is in its experimental stage and is ready to assist you in navigating through our platform's technicalities. 

Nia works by providing support based on the extensive documentation available for all JoomShaper products. The AI model behind Nia scans through all relevant documents and then offers solutions to your inquiries, making it a quick and efficient problem-solving tool. While we strive to ensure Nia delivers correct and relevant answers, it's worth noting that it's in the experimental phase and it's continually learning and evolving.

Like any other AI-based solution, Nia is not without its challenges. It might occasionally provide an inaccurate response as it navigates through the vast range of JoomShaper products and their associated complexities. However, the system will gradually improve, refining its knowledge and understanding of our products. We appreciate your patience and feedback during this experimental phase. 

As you interact with Nia, we want to remind all users not to share confidential information during the support conversation. This includes sensitive data like username, password, server access, and personal information. Nia is designed to resolve technical issues using available documentation and does not require any of your confidential data to perform its functions.

Our vision for Nia is to enhance the customer service experience by providing quick, effective, and user-friendly technical support, reducing waiting times, and improving overall customer satisfaction. We believe AI has immense potential to improve overall customer service, and we're thrilled to be taking strides in this direction.

We encourage all JoomShaper users to try Nia and share their experiences. Your feedback will not only help Nia improve but will also assist us in shaping the future of customer service in our company.

All our Pro users can use Nia from the Forum.

Remember, Nia is here to help, but your data privacy is paramount. Never share your confidential information.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to fine-tune and enhance your JoomShaper experience!

Team JoomShaper



Technical Content Writer
Sreema is a technical content writer at JoomShaper. In her copious free time she enjoys good food with good friends and loves moonlit strolls on the beach!
Yofie Setiawan
Yofie Setiawan
1 year ago
Tried it, unfortunately still can't answer my simple question... Need support please...
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
1 year ago
The forum support there. You will find at the bottom.

1 year ago
Hi. It looks like you completely turned off the opportunity for users to create new topics. Have you accidentally mistaken with this?
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
1 year ago
We will improve the UX but the option to create topic is available.
1 year ago
UPD: I saw a small link to create a topic. I think you should make it as a more noticeable button.

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