SP Page Builder v5.1.7 Introduces a New Rich Text Editor and Many Enhancements - JoomShaper

SP Page Builder v5.1.7 Introduces a New Rich Text Editor and Many Enhancements

08 November 2023
Hits 4,351
3 min read
SP Page Builder v5.1.7 Introduces a New Rich Text Editor and Many Enhancements

With the release of SP Page Builder v5.1.7, we're thrilled to bring you a new Rich Text editor along with a host of exciting improvements designed to elevate your web design experience. 

This latest version introduces a brand new Rich Text Editor, streamlining the text content creation process, along with several enhancements and bug fixes to enhance your journey with SP Page Builder.

Let’s have a look at the changelog and see what today’s update is all about.  

SP Page Builder v5.1.7 Changelog

  • New: Introduced a new rich-text editor
  • Update: Enhanced the Product List addon (EasyStore) with layers panel functionality
  • Update: Added an option to set image ALT text in the Modal Popup addon
  • Fix: Resolved a warning issue in the video addon
  • Fix: Fixed a tooltip problem on hover
  • Fix: Corrected the issue with the "Save as Copy" action for pages
  • Fix: Fixed Joomla backward compatibility issue
  • Fix: Fixed the phone number pattern issue in the Form Builder addon
  • Fix: Fixed Instagram access token issue
  • Fix: Fixed border width issue of the Tab addon
  • Fix: Fixed the responsive visibility issue of the Div addon

Introducing a New Rich Text Editor

In this update, we've replaced the traditional TinyMCE and JCE editors with a brand new Rich Text Editor that's designed to make your life easier when crafting stunning web content.

Why the Change?

Our primary goal with this update is to simplify the text content creation process for our users. The new Rich Text Editor eliminates the common challenges users faced with previous editors and brings simplified and intuitive features to your fingertips.

What's New with the Rich Text Editor?

With the new Rich Text Editor in SP Page Builder 5.1.7, you can now:

  • Create Headings (H1-H6): Easily structure your content with different heading levels.
  • Emphasize Text: Apply bold and italic formatting with a single click.
  • Bullet and Numbered Lists: Organize your content with lists in no time.
  • Insert Media Files: Add images and multimedia from the media manager seamlessly.
  • Create Links: Link to other web pages or resources effortlessly.
  • Insert Table & Blockquote: Create tables and blockquotes to present data and quotes effectively within your content.
  • Text Color: Customize text color to make your content visually appealing.
  • Access Source Code: Make necessary HTML changes to your content.

The new editor is designed to streamline your text content creation process, ensuring you can create stunning web pages without the hassle you might have faced with previous editors.

Layers Panel Functionality for Product List Addon

Product List Addon Layers Panel

The Product List addon now comes equipped with layers panel functionality, giving you even more control and flexibility when designing your online store. 

With the layers panel, you can effortlessly manage and customize the addons inside the Product List, making it easier than ever to customize your EasyStore website. 

Time to Update! 

Additionally, we've added an image alt text option in the Modal Popup addon for better accessibility and SEO optimization.

We've resolved various issues in this update, including a warning problem in the video addon, tooltip improvements on hover, and fixes for the "Save as Copy" action, Joomla backward compatibility, and a phone number pattern issue in the Form Builder addon.

We hope you enjoy these improvements and the new Rich Text Editor, which is bound to make your content creation experience smoother and more enjoyable. Let us know your feedback in the comments, and stay tuned for upcoming updates!  

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Zareen Tasnim

Zareen Tasnim

Technical Content Writer
Zareen is a technical content writer at JoomShaper. She's a tech enthusiast, writer by day, programmer by night, and always a foodie at heart!
Fernando Bautista
8 months ago
No se, no se.

El editor JCE es uno de los editores mas utilizados por la mayoria de usuarios de Joomla, no es conveniente dejarlo a un lado reemplazandolo por un supuesto editor nuevo.

No cometan el mismo error de no escuchar a los usuarios, recuerden el incidente con el backend en SPPB5 que ustedes tanto insistieron en no apoyar y al final los usuarios teniamos razon en que nunca debio retirarse.

No cometan ahora el mismo error con JCE y dejarlo de lado, les aseguro que los usuarios empezaran a reclamar la integracion de JCE en SPPB5.
Muntasir Sakib
Muntasir Sakib
8 months ago
Integrating a Rich Text Editor into SP Page Builder has been a significant step, aimed at enhancing our customers' editing experience. While we understand the importance of the number of users, let's temporarily set that aside and focus on the challenges we've encountered with the JCE Editor.

Throughout our journey, our clients have faced various issues with the JCE Editor, which sometimes proved to be beyond our direct control to address. These challenges have surfaced with each update, making it a complex task to ensure seamless integration and compatibility.

As for your question about not listening to our valuable clients, we're continuously exploring and evaluating new solutions to improve the editing experience within SP Page Builder. However, the decision to implement a new editor involves careful consideration and thorough testing to ensure it meets our quality and compatibility standards. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work towards providing the best possible tools for your website-building needs.
8 months ago
A possible compromise here is to use a similar solution as in Yootheme Pro. When editing a text block, their own version of Tinyme (not the Joomla version) is loaded, with a button in the editor toolbar to open a new modal window with the default Joomla editor (Tinymce, JCE, CodeMirror or whatever).
Once the user has finished creating or editing the content, it is inserted into the original editor for further editing, saving etc.
8 months ago
Please add JCE support back!!!
The new editor only has a few basic functions.
It is no longer possible to select text and add Bootstrap classes.
It is no longer possible to create a link to a menu item simply by selecting it.
This can only be done via the "Source code" button.
The new editor is way too basic!
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
8 months ago
Check the below reply please.
8 months ago
I fully support the Jeroen's remarks and do not consider your new text editor as an improvement. It's now impossible to work with tables and if netherless you try to modify their content, the whole design of the table disappears.
Please tell me how to come back to the previous release of SP PB.
8 months ago
JCE as an option is still a must. We won't be updating to 5.1.7 or later until JCE Editor is back.
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
8 months ago
JCE never works with SP Page Builder. Both usages different technology and we never got it working. We tried last few years and wasted huge time on that but no luck. Always saw huge issues with the editor inside SP Page Builder and that's why we had to remove support for JCE.

Please do understand that we are not happy either removing JCE but we simply could not get it working after several years of trying our best.

Btw, if we want JCE to work inside SP Page Builder, JCE team needs to offer some sort of ReactJS compatibility. If you can manage them then we will be more than happy to add proper support for that.

8 months ago
I found JCE a little clunky with PageBuilder v3, but it works great with v5 from my experience.
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
8 months ago
It will be always clunky with JCE. Sometimes it will work, sometimes not. Btw, please share some use cases of JCE and we will try to see how impossible/difficult to get it done using SP Page Builder.

8 months ago
JCE features off the top of my head would include their advanced File Manager (where I can upload and link a file at the same time), their Advanced Image Manager has plenty more options that the new PB editor, Columns, highlighting block elements, Custom Characters, their Link manager includes quite a few advanced options, including quickly linking to menu items, Superscript and Subscript, better code-editor, ability to wrap text in a div, span, blockquote, etc. ... hope that helps!
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
8 months ago
I know JCE has those features but can you share some use cases of those inside the Page Builder? You know you can do everything you mentioned using SP Page Builder, right? Btw, JCE does not work perfectly with SP Page Builder. We were constantly trying for last few years but failed.
8 months ago
You can upload a file, and then link it to text within a text-block paragraph in one step when using the new editor? I'm not aware of how that's possible.

As a side note, JCE Pro has been great, even with PB v5.16 ... no problems on my end, running a number of sites.
Dmitry Goncharov
Dmitry Goncharov
8 months ago
Now the only option is to create empty material in Joomla, create content there, design it and then copy paste it into the SPPB editor.
8 months ago
"Our primary goal with this update is to simplify the text content creation process for our users. "

This is understanble for average Joe thats new to Joomla and the web but a step back for all others so pls consider keep JCE as an editor option setting for people that understand the real power and how to use JCE. It seems you dont understand what JCE can deliver with so much options and what people miss to use it correctly by this decision.
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
8 months ago
JCE never works with SP Page Builder. Both usages different technology and we never got it working. We tried last few years and wasted huge time on that but no luck. Always saw huge issues with the editor inside SP Page Builder and that's why we had to remove support for JCE.

Please do understand that we are not happy either removing JCE but we simply could not get it working after several years of trying our best.

Btw, if we want JCE to work inside SP Page Builder, JCE team needs to offer some sort of ReactJS compatibility. If you can manage them then we will be more than happy to add proper support for that.

8 months ago
What a pity ! Your editor is ridiculous compared to the power of JCE. And as ssnobben says, "It seems you dont understand what JCE can deliver with so many options". Like Justin, if no JCE, no update. So no more purchasing licenses. Too bad really.
Have a good day
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
8 months ago
Not sure why are your threatening us. As mentioned, we worked last few years for adding support for JCE and every time it failed. We are willing to add back the support but JCE has to offer React JS support. Otherwise, we won't be able to get it working. Sometimes it will work and sometimes it won't. And, hearing complaints every day multiple times is draining our courage. If it was working, we never removed support.

Also, please do let us know some use cases of JCE, we will create video tutorials to replicate those use cases using SP Page Builder's visual editor.

Again, we never did it out of bad intention. We simply could not get it working in last few years.

8 months ago
Sorry, There is no threat above all, sorry for this incomprehension, just a big surprise and a small outburst of disapproval. The use cases of JCE are well summarized by Justin, and especially what Jakob says is interesting. Put something that is almost finished, yes. But depriving yourself of JCE's excellent options, which greatly facilitate our task, is not sure, especially when you have articles from 30 websites to update... It quickly becomes tedious. But why not. And I'm not ready to leave pagebuilder, it's so good... Good luck.
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
8 months ago
We truly appreciate your feedback regarding the JCE editor. Integrating JCE was a priority for us, and we understand the value it brought to your workflow. Despite our persistent efforts over the years, achieving compatibility has been challenging, with each JCE update introducing complexities that impacted the stability of SP Page Builder.

In response to widespread user concerns, we added a minimal text editor, designed to deliver a consistent and integrated experience. We recognize that this transition may not align with everyone's preferences, including yours. Please rest assured, this decision was made with the aim of delivering the most robust and user-centric product possible.

We are committed to our users and open to exploring all avenues that will enhance your experience with SP Page Builder. Your input is invaluable to us as we continue to evolve and improve.

8 months ago
Hello, I quickly tested the editor. I think the approach is good. But there must be more formatting options.
Furthermore, you have once again made the same mistake, you publish a new feature before it is mature. I mean so that it is usable and a pleasure to use. Do you understand? So it's not surprising that you get so much negative feedback. Why didn't you implement the editor with more icons and the option to enlarge it? That would have been a plus. As it is now, it seems unfinished. You get the feeling that your enthusiasm has led you to release prematurely. I apologise to have to say this, but unfortunately it's not the first time we've had this feeling. It spoils the well-intentioned surprise.
But I remain optimistic that after 3 or 4 updates it will become something. Keep going, I'm convinced you'll get it right. It's up to you
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
8 months ago
Thanks Jakob, indeed adding new feature icons for the Editor Toolbar is planned for the next updates. Certainly, over time, we will make sure that even JCE users will not complain.
8 months ago
Simple and easy to use.
Eliminates unnecessary things and makes it easy to use!
thank you! !
Muntasir Sakib
Muntasir Sakib
8 months ago
Thanks for your appreciation.
Dmitry Goncharov
Dmitry Goncharov
8 months ago
Don't you want to solve really serious problems?

Dmitry Goncharov
Dmitry Goncharov
8 months ago

Then you already add your editor to all the text fields of addons, otherwise there are fields, but there is no editor.
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
8 months ago
The Flip box addon was designed poorly. I must admit that. We could have done in a professional way but it's too late. Btw, we can always add editor support on the Flip box addon. Do you think it's gonna be useful?

8 months ago
yes completely.
I think you should add rich text editor support everywhere you have a text area inside an addon.
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
8 months ago
Got it. Not everywhere but most cases.
8 months ago
why not everywhere?
every time you display a text area, you shoud display the editor.
like here : https://prnt.sc/ymnSxNnaCayv
8 months ago
interesting, but on rich text editor, some logic and basic feature are missing, see here : https://www.joomshaper.com/forum/question/28765
Muntasir Sakib
Muntasir Sakib
8 months ago
We have gone through all the requests you have listed there. The next few updates will be exciting. Thanks for staying with us.
8 months ago
also agree with @Dmitry Goncharov why not adding your rich text editor everywhere?
some addons text area, as @Dmitry Goncharov said, are blank with no editor.
we need to type html manually.
does not make sense.......
8 months ago
its missing everything in your editor and it seems to be using TinyMCE...i cant see your editor listed anywhere,
8 months ago
Good morning,
It seems that some efforts are being made about JCE Pro 2.9.53.... on novembre 10 : "This is a maintenance update to fix a few mainly Joomla 3 related issues that were unfortunately introduced with the last update, and a fix for the editor not loading in SP PageBuilder 5.1.6 and earlier ".

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