Update: SP Page Builder 3.4.6 Pro brings major enhancements in content presentation - JoomShaper

Update: SP Page Builder 3.4.6 Pro brings major enhancements in content presentation

29 March 2019
Hits 10,334
5 min read
Update: SP Page Builder 3.4.6 Pro brings major enhancements in content presentation

SP Page Builder has changed the way of Joomla web development. Since its inception, it has continued to bring mind-blowing features with its every update. Looking back, when SP Page Builder wasn’t around, it used to take days even months to develop a decent website. Fast forward to this day, SP Page Builder has reduced the website development time dramatically and with its rich design, one can build incredible looking websites without having to consult with professional designers and programmers. When using SP Page Builder you’d realize you can rather take down multiple birds with one bullet.

Let’s have a peek at SP Page Builder 3.4.6 / 3.4.7 Pro changelog

  • New: News Carousel mode added to Article Scroller addon
  • New: Text Thumbnail as slider controller added to Slideshow addon
  • New: Slideshow addon gets default content and readymade sliders
  • New: Image container control and video popup options added to Image Layouts addon
  • Update: AcyMailing 6 compatibility has been added along with AcyMailing 5
  • Update: Slideshow addon Text Thumbnail controllers width update on window resize.
  • Fix: Slideshow addon DIV missing issue fixed
  • Fix: Button icon issues in Contact Form, Form Builder, and Opt-in Form addons
  • Fix: Tagged item page array to string conversion notice issue fixed

Article Scroller addon gets a new mode

Article Scroller has been a life saver for the news and blogging sites. When you need to get the users' attention to certain articles, the Article Scroller addon can do that better than anything. With the new News Carousel mode in its bucket, the addon has become the ultimate tool to get viewers' attention to any blog posts.

You can find the News Carousel mode in “Addon Mode” option from the addon general settings. The new mode comes with some extra great features as well. You can control the number of articles to show for different device types. Which means you can customize how many articles you want to display in desktop view, tablet view, and mobile view individually. Enabling the autoplay option will let the articles scroll automatically and turning on the “Enable Drag” option will let the users drag the articles with their mouse or touch. If you don’t want to enable the dragging option, you can use the arrow controllers, enabling this feature will show a couple of arrows on the top left corner.

Update: SP Page Builder 3.4.6 Pro brings major enhancements in content presentation

Slideshow addon introduces text thumbnails

The Slideshow addon was the most awaited (requested) feature of SP Page Builder. With its release in v3.4 the world experienced a new elegant way to create Joomla sliders without any limitations. Today we have introduced a new slider controller option i.e the text thumbnail, which will make the slideshows even more stunning.

The idea is, the contents of the sliders will be shown as thumbnails at the bottom right corner of the screen. You’ll find this setting from “slider global & controller settings” under the “bullet/line controllers”. When this option is enabled, you can choose the Text Thumbnail as one of the four controller styles. Once the option is selected, its respective settings will open up. You’ll be amazed by the customizing options it brings. You can control the container width regardless of the device type, change its background, adjust the padding and the gap between items according to your design. It also comes with the typography styling for its contents. You can modify the color and styling for the numbers, titles, and the subtitles of the thumbnail.

Update: SP Page Builder 3.4.6 Pro brings major enhancements in content presentation

Image Layout addon brings grid control

The Image Layout addon comes with six astonishing image layouts. Every single one of them has individual characteristics to their names. One of the card layouts has got column controller (shown in the image below) option, which means you can allocate how many columns (grids) you want to allow for the image, the rest of the columns (out of 12) will be adjusted automatically for the text content. In addition to that, you can now add video popup (modal) in this addon when the same card layout is selected. When video popup is enabled you’ll be given a field for placing the URL.

Update: SP Page Builder 3.4.6 Pro brings major enhancements in content presentation

Other notable improvements

A great update does not only include great new features but also brings notable improvements to its existing ones. Likewise in this update of SP Page Builder, we have added AcyMailing 6 compatibility which has become a common request lately. But if some of you still prefer AcyMailing 5, we have provided backward compatibility for that too. Another thing worth mentioning, we have fixed button icon issue in the Opt-in Form, Contact Form, and Form Builder addons.

With the release of SP Page Builder 3.4.6, we bring better content presentation for your sites. We are continuously working to provide you an even better experience with SP Page Builder. Stay tuned to find out what’s coming up in the future updates. Most importantly, don’t forget to give SP Page Builder a rating on the Joomla Extention Directory if you haven’t done it yet. Last but not least - thanks for being with JoomShaper.

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5 years ago
The new slideshow is completely dysfunctional on the tablet and mobile...
Al Mamun
Al Mamun
5 years ago
You need to refresh the page after resize browser window or check in real mobile and tab. After checking in this way, if possible leave a comment here.
5 years ago
This problem happens when you have only one slide, if you have more than 2 works well, I inform the developers, several weeks ago
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
Why you need a slideshow for one slide/view? Use another addon.
5 years ago
You're right, just report the problem that should not exist, because the resizing in mobiles and tablets, has nothing to do with the number of slides.
Some may be the Slideshow addon of a single slide, because it has many animation features, which would be difficult to achieve in a HERO created with sections and addons.

Thanks for fix tagged items and button issues - Great job
Joomla! Man
Joomla! Man
5 years ago
#1 Drag & Drop Joomla Page Builder for Joomla. Thank You!!! :)
Al Mamun
Al Mamun
5 years ago
Thank you very much. :)
5 years ago
Slideshows...look great but statistically not used by at least 80% of website visitors, and even then, the ones who click them only ever click the first one.

They have a use, but not as the hero landing point of a page - such large images slow the site loading down...

However, you have some great non-slider hero designs :)

For the article sliders, does your documentation cover where they pull the data from within the article? I'm guessing we can use the PB article integration for the actual article content, but we need to populate the article image within the specific article settings?
Saifur Rahman
Saifur Rahman
5 years ago
You have a nice observation there Chris. Yes, sliders are comparatively used less than the hero sections, that's true. But not having the ability to create a slider would be a limitation. And we don't want that.

People like to have freedom in their choice. And SP Page Builder is all about that. We like to give people the freedom of what they can do with SP Page Builder. You know, imagination has no limitation and our goal is to make SP Page Builder a tool that can turn the imagination into a reality.

Regarding the Article Slider addon, to summarize, it can retrieve the article details including banner image, publishing date, title and more. To know more in detail, kindly head over to [url="https://www.joomshaper.com/documentation/sp-page-builder/sp-page-builder-3#addons"]the documentation page[/url].
5 years ago
Open the articles from the slider or articles addons in a popup will be is a good idea
Saifur Rahman
Saifur Rahman
5 years ago
Thanks for your suggestion. Noted :)
5 years ago
You guys are awesome, always making things better and better! Great work!
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
Thanks a lot. Have a nice evening and weekend.
Dmitry Goncharov
Dmitry Goncharov
5 years ago
New: Slideshow addon gets default content and readymade sliders

Can you explain this revision in more detail? I don't quite understand
Saifur Rahman
Saifur Rahman
5 years ago
Well, basically in the previous versions Slideshow addon did not have any (preset) contents by default, you needed to put your own contents from scratch. From this version on, the Slideshow addon will have default contents and multiple sliders. This be helpful to understand its functionalities a bit clearer.
5 years ago
I keep updating a new article scroller to news caraousel and even clicking save, but it won't update. If I click off of it and back on, it still keeps it as a ticker instead. Suggestions?
5 years ago
I found that if I hit apply, then save it works.
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
Yes, first you have to apply changes in the addon, then save changes in Page.
5 years ago
SLIDESHOW addon has a tag not closed, that's why all the sections are nested inside the first section, I've tried other addons and the same thing happens.
5 years ago
The problem occurs when Row Fluid is activated, in the section that contains the slideshow, it must be solved soon, because it destroys the whole page
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
which tag? can you add a post on forum with more details, screenshots.
Alberto Salazar
Alberto Salazar
5 years ago
In my case, when the first row contains the slider, and it is a row fluid, I can not click on the edit button.

But if I remove the row fluid, it works well

This problem was after the update
Al Mamun
Al Mamun
5 years ago
I am checking this issue but can't re-produce. First I have set Full slide background & item background
Here is edit mode: http://prntscr.com/n4xzav
Here is live mode: http://prntscr.com/n4xzjp

Also fluid row is on.

By the way again I am trying find produce the let see what I get.

5 years ago
Fixed on SPPB 3.4.7, report if i found more bugs

5 years ago
Please work more on Helix Ultimate, there is so much to improve ... Typography in "em/rem" instead of "px", more options of headers, footers, different menu / logo layouts, more control for the developer, etc.
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
Thanks, we will soon. We collect all the issues & suggestions.
5 years ago
Please integrate with the component of the online store "Joomshopping" so that we can use the "SP Page Builder Pro" in the HTML editor "Joomshopping". I have not bought "SP Page Builder Pro" yet, but I will definitely buy it if is integration with the JoomShopping component.
Saifur Rahman
Saifur Rahman
5 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion Mackie. Your message has been received. I'll forward it to the team and we'll see what we can do about it.
Wagner Michel
Wagner Michel
5 years ago
I have a big problem since the last update with the Slideshow addon in Fluid Row, I sent this on the forum: https://www.joomshaper.com/forums/problem-with-sppb-3-4-6-update
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
5 years ago
Version 3.4.7 fixed the issue and it's already available.

Wagner Michel
Wagner Michel
5 years ago
Ouawww! What responsiveness! as soon as I get to the office, I'll update my SPPB PRO! Thank you !
5 years ago
5 years ago
It works well with English
Unfortunately, it does not work with Arabic
Al Mamun
Al Mamun
5 years ago
It should work, we will check. thanks.
5 years ago
So, KONSTRA is the next construction style template!
Al Mamun
Al Mamun
5 years ago
Yes, :)
Rod Martin
5 years ago
Really appreciate you guys continuing to develop this crazy great extension. Makes paying for it a no brainer...
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
Thanks, as we noticed it speed up developing process compared to the classic module method. Now in one hour, you can finish a basic website.
5 years ago
HI! After update slideshow broken a row - look at screenshot

I have 2 columns in a row, 7+5. After update slideshow addon put a second column into own row.... looks like missing close tag anywhere (div)


Before update https://c2n.me/40JUEIc
5 years ago
Sorry, It became good after the update 3.4.7 (I think needs to send letters for customers with request update)
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
Thanks. Joomla update system should notify them.
5 years ago

another great updates! Thanks for them. you do a great job!

But - still waiting for the media path change possibility. Any date set up for [u]this[/u] update?
Saifur Rahman
Saifur Rahman
5 years ago
Hi Nait, as far I know, implementing this feature will cause a potential security risk. We are trying to find a way around it. But I don't think we'll find an immediate solution. If I were you, I wouldn't get my hopes high.
5 years ago
Well, waiting is also an ability to train...
Would be fine to find out a solution as I am not the only one who´s a bit fighting with this problem (see Forum), but for now, thanks for your reply, happy to see things not sleeping :-)

Best regards.
5 years ago
Article Carousel - simply great! Thank you!

For next development - possibility to turn off the date and category will be fine :)
Saifur Rahman
Saifur Rahman
5 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, we will think about it.
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
5 years ago
By now you can hide them using Custom CSS
5 years ago
Thank you very much for this update. We are still waiting for promotion in Opt-in Form.
Added the ability to navigate to another page or download or display a pop-up after the user's email is registered.
Because it's important to increase email registration by the users.
As well as optimization for the right languages.
Saifur Rahman
Saifur Rahman
5 years ago
We understand what you're requesting. That will be a very nice feature indeed. We're taking it under consideration. Thanks for your suggestion.
5 years ago
Good day. How to speed up the rendering of the page? I use spb 3.4.5 and the flex template. Empty template without spb, loaded 2 times faster than with spb addons.
Saifur Rahman
Saifur Rahman
5 years ago
You can try enabling CSS and JavaScript compression on your template. You can do that by going

Extensions > Templates > (Choose template) > Template Options > Advanced > Compression > Turn on [i]Compress CSS Files[/i].

You can also try turning on [i]Compress Javascript Files[/i] but that might cause design break, if that happens, you need to turn it off. Apply only "CSS Compression".
5 years ago

I managed to achieve performance only when memcached was enabled on the server. There are many addons on the page and they are long drawn.

Tell me, and helix 3 and helix ultimate - do they have a difference in performance?
5 years ago

Googleplus does not exist
Its addons are not functional
Saifur Rahman
Saifur Rahman
5 years ago
Hi there, this might come shocking to you but I'm afraid that's the truth. Google is shutting down Google+ [url="https://www.theverge.com/2018/10/8/17951890/google-plus-shut-down-security-api-change-gmail-android"]Click here to visit the source.[/url] So, you won't be able to use its functionality anymore.

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