Download SP LMS Joomla Extension - JoomShaper


Version: 4.1.1

Version 4.1.1

28 June 2024
  • Fixed an issue with the Toolbar Button

Version 4.1.0

30 May 2024
  • Joomla 5 Compatible
  • Improved Stability

Version 4.0.8

06 January 2023
  • Redirection to the courses page after payment is completed
  • Payment status issue for Paypal
  • Google Map issue in Event Page
  • Error message after searching in the Order View

Version 4.0.7

22 August 2022
  • PHP 8.0 (Joomla 3 & 4) and PHP 8.1 (Joomla 4) Compatible.
  • Media Type option added in the course information section of Course Form.
  • Column value 1 added in course menu settings.
  • When the left or right position in course settings is enabled, the select category option gets disappears after filtering.
  • Console Error fix.
  • Column filtering doesn’t work on the course module.
  • Read more button was not showing in event categories.
  • The category filter was not shown if the showsubcategory option in course settings (Menu) was disabled.
  • The teacher filtering option was redirecting to a different URL.
  • Issue fix if SEF URL and Following Menu both are enabled.
  • Avatar issue in the certificate.
  • Avatar image was not showing in the review section in spite of uploading it.

Version 4.0.6

10 May 2022
  • Added a sub-category enable option for the single category in global settings.
  • Stripe issue with other currency.
  • Wrong Time showing in Event and Event details on Frontend.
  • Price was not updating for events when its previous value was 0.
  • Default values were saved if the datetime field were empty in events.
  • No confirmation email was received for the PayPal payment option.

Version 4.0.5

01 April 2022
  • Stripe and Razorpay payment gateway added.
  • Google reCaptcha option added to Teacher Form.
  • Added a new option to create a course subcategory.
  • Added Order Price column on the Orders page.
  • Direct Payment method does not show the discounted price.
  • Incorrectly related course showing on the course details page.

Version 4.0.4

31 Jan 2022
  • Lesson accordion button not working issue
  • Drag & drop sorting not working properly in list view in Joomla 4
  • User failing to upload an avatar from User LMS Profile

Version 4.0.3

07 Oct 2021
  • SQL error for Joomla 4.
  • All Known Bug Fix.

Version 4.0.2

21 May 2021
  • Event location map issue in frontend

Version 4.0.1

21 April 2021
  • OpenStreetMap
  • Language file updated for course module
  • Teachers’ contact form view improved
  • Instagram social link added to speakers’ and teachers’ profiles
  • Router issue solved for quizzes in course details
  • Order store issue for payment via PayPal
  • SP LMS profile plugin issue solved
  • Event filter view issue fixed

Version 4.0.0

18 March 2021
  • Joomla 4 beta 7 Compatibility
  • PayPal Payment Redirection issue fixed
  • Improve Router for Joomla 3 which support Joomla 4
  • Quiz Result related issue
  • Error occurs when rating is done & Teachers contact form is submitted
  • Total course cost in Cart section solved
  • Displaying disabled speakers solved
  • Course Filter Issue in Menu Item
  • Make sale price as 0 when regular price is less than sale price
  • Remove raw code from Quiz section
  • All known bugs

Version 3.4.1

21 June 2020
  • Option to set number of related courses
  • Issues adding multiple courses in the cart
  • Known bugs

Version 3.4

15 June 2020
  • Brand new video player
  • Course filtering system with 3 layouts (top, left, and right)
  • Option to follow teachers
  • Teachers’ education
  • 119 new currencies
  • Lesson topics
  • Option to disable Google Maps
  • Social share for course and event - Reddit, Digg & VK are the new additions
  • Teacher search with skills filter
  • Course meta key and meta description
  • Course duration/admission deadline
  • Teacher's designation
  • Teacher's experience
  • Currency position option
  • Option to disable default styles
  • Improved Teacher single page
  • Unable to upload lesson attachment
  • Today's event is showing on the upcoming events list
  • Course thumbnail will be displayed if a video is not added in the course detail page
  • Lesson sorting bug
  • Event start and end time
  • Default active class in the events filter
  • Russian language issue while checkout
  • And, all known bugs fixed

Version 3.3

07 Feb 2019
  • Added discount percentage in the course list.
  • Added Event sorting option the event listing.
  • Show Event author in the upcoming event module.
  • Added admission deadline option in the course.
  • Event sorting improved.

Version 3.2

12 Nov 2018
  • Joomla 3.9 compatibility added.

Version 3.1

07 June 2018
  • GDPR Compatibility added.
  • Included SP Cookie Consent Plugin with the pack.
  • Course details page’s description issue fixed

Version 3.0.1

19 Apr 2018
  • Fixed money_format error issue in the backend (Windows OS).
  • Upcoming events issue fixed.

Version 3.0

12 Apr 2018
  • Upgraded component to native Joomla system
  • Added Review system in the course
  • ACL system (if the user is manager or teacher then he can add courses)
  • Cart Module
  • SP LMS Events Calendar module
  • Related courses
  • Modern URL routing system (legacy included)
  • Improved cart store system
  • Improved PayPal integration system
  • Added price discount option
  • Contact form in teacher’s profile
  • Improved lesson navigation on the lesson details page
  • Added course quick view panel on the course details page
  • PHP 7.2 compatibility added
  • Search security improved
  • Improved cart data storing system
  • Duplicate order issue fixed
  • Courses module column issue fixed
  • Backend item sorting issue fixed

Version 2.4

14 Sep 2017
  • PayPal payment system improved.
  • Course auto activation after payment.
  • Module item language issue fixed.

Version 2.3

05 May 2017
  • Brand New SP LMS Persons module for show teachers/speakers.
  • Added class time, class info, class schedule routine in course details.
  • Added related class option.
  • Added pie progress in teacher’s experience.
  • Added designation for teacher.
  • Added event info with countdown.
  • Added event Gallery with image popup.
  • Added event topics option.
  • Added event pricing table.
  • Event Map marker info.
  • Compatible with Joomla 3.7.

Version 2.2

22 Mar 2017
  • Added payment method bank transfer
  • Multilingual and ACL support
  • Email notification after purchased (customer, admin)
  • Email notification customize option.
  • Lesson Attachment add/remove
  • Component update option
  • Courses sorting option in menu by category, course type, ordering (ASC, DESC)
  • Events sorting option in menu by category, ordering (ASC, DESC)
  • Event buy ticket url option
  • Social share feature in events
  • Added LMS version in backend footer
  • money_format() error issue fixed
  • Backend item sorting issue fixed.
  • Event image thumb issue fixed.
  • Backend google map API issue fixed

Version 2.1.3

  • Pagination Cache issue

Version 2.1.2

  • If item not found redirect to error page
  • Event Google map api integrate
  • NumberFormatter error issue
  • Event time conflict issue
  • Language issue

Version 2.1.1

  • Currency functions (EURO)
  • All known bugs

Version 2.1

  • Added certificate issue date.
  • Added Quiz type (free/paid).
  • Added quiz list in course details page.
  • Added Direct payment system.
  • Fixed Event url & image in listing page.
  • Fixed mod_splmscourses module sql sorting.
  • Fixed event category listing url & image issue.

Version 2.0.3

  • All Known Bugs.
  • Course Icon/Image Issue Fixed.

Version 2.0.2

  • Courses Categories, Courses, Certificate, Speakers, Event Categories, Events Multiple Published & Unpublished System.
  • All Known Bugs

Version 2.0.1

  • File Upload System
  • Event, Course Category, Speaker, Teacher New Add Error.
  • All Known Bugs

Version 2

  • Added Certificate System
  • Added Quiz System
  • Single Course Menu
  • Single Certificate Menu
  • LMS Profile plugging for upload user avatar.
  • Lesson Attachment system.
  • All Known Bugs

Version 1.2

  • Manual create order system updated
  • Backend course list updated

Version 1.0.1

  • Event Category Options Updated
  • Event Category Listing Updated

Version 1.0

  • Initial Release