Download SP Page Builder 5 Lite Joomla Extension - JoomShaper

Version 5.3.4

14 June 2024
  • Enhanced overall stability.
  • Resolved the Slideshow addon’s missing styles issue. (Pro Only)

Version 5.3.3

13 June 2024
  • Added option to include custom SVG image shapes in the Image addon.
  • Added the “Zoom on Hover” option in the Image addon.
  • Improved Image Carousel addon’s structure.
  • Enhanced overall stability.
  • Fixed the Masonry Layout height issue in the Article addon. (Pro only)
  • Addressed the duplicate addon ID issue within nested items in the Slideshow addon. (Pro only)
  • Fixed the margin and padding issue with Carousel addon items.
  • Margin and padding responsive issue on page edit.
  • Resolved the drag and drop functionality issue when the Layers panel remains open.
  • Fixed the folder selection issue in the Gallery addon. (Pro only)
  • Resolved the issue where the close button in the Frontend editor redirects to the wrong URL.

Version 5.3.2

16 May 2024
  • The articles scroller Addon now includes filters for tags, post types, and sub-category fields (Pro Only)
  • Improved SEO and accessibility for the Article and Feature Box Addons
  • Enhanced overall stability
  • Adjusted alignment of the add and bulk buttons in the Gallery Addon (Pro Only)
  • Removed the bulk image insert option from the Client Addon (Pro Only)

Version 5.3.1

09 May 2024
  • Added “ Add Bulk Items” option to add multiple items in the Gallery Addon (Pro Only)
  • Added predefined layouts for the Articles Addon (Pro Only)
  • The Settings Panel and Layers Panel can now remain simultaneously open in the frontend editor
  • Updated the Timeline Addon to have an ending date option (Pro Only)
  • Fixed list item tag issue in the Rich Text Editor
  • Fixed addon hidden issue in EasyStore pages
  • Resolved the issue related to being unable to disable the Intro text in the Article Scroller Addon (Pro Only)
  • Addressed the Image Carousel Addon link issue on touch devices (Pro Only)
  • The Slideshow Addon autoplay issue, if a video is present, has been resolved (Pro Only)
  • Fixed Google recaptcha zindex issue
  • Fixed ACLrelated issues
  • Improved overall stability

Version 5.3.0

17 April 2024
  • Added Transform option styles to addon global settings.
  • Added bulk import/export functionality.
  • Added functionality to bulk update language, category, and access level.
  • Added image support for timeline add-on items. (Pro only)
  • Added alt text field for all media fields.
  • Added CodeMirror editor for the custom CSS field in the frontend editor.
  • Improved text block add-on's content truncation for the frontend editor.
  • Pricing table now offers top, bottom, and both positions for buy now buttons. (Pro only)
  • Fixed an issue with favoriting addons in the frontend editor.
  • Fixed zindex issue with the popover addon. (Pro only)
  • Fixed the image addon's shape column issue.
  • Fixed image content display in RTL layouts. (Pro only)
  • Fixed Optin form submission issue. (Pro only)
  • Fixed animation field issue for special type animations.
  • Fixed rich text editor's link issue for page type links.
  • Improved overall stability.

Version 5.2.9

15 March 2024
  • Improved overall stability

Version 5.2.8

14 March 2024
  • Added Image Shapes and CSS Effects in the Image addon
  • Content Truncation option added in the Text Block addon
  • Included ACL functionality in the Row settings for better access control management
  • Added option to include SEO data while exporting page
  • Radius option added in the Options section of the Gallery addon (Pro only)
  • Enhanced accessibility for Tab, Form Builder, and Feature Box addons
  • Improved code editor and system editor to adapt to various display resolutions
  • Google Map API updated to address deprecation issues (Pro only)
  • Resolved pagerelated ACL issues
  • Fixed addons’ zindex issue
  • Fixed Div addon custom position issue
  • Fixed Search plugin’s sorting issue
  • Resolved Video addon’s YouTube shorts functionality issue

Version 5.2.7

22 February 2024
  • Repositioned Section Library and Saved Items on the frontend editor for drag-and-drop ease (Pro only)
  • “Heading” element added for the Field Type options in the Form Builder addon (Pro only)
  • Enhanced accessibility for the Article addon (Pro only)
  • Modified the media field to compute image dimensions from remote URLs, improving lazy loading
  • Fixed the addon ACL issue within the Div addon
  • Fixed RTL mode dropdown position issue in the backend editor
  • Addressed the Form Builder addon’s redirect issue regarding incorrect captcha (Pro only)
  • Resolved the Icon addon’s hover color issue
  • Resolved the Feature Box addon’s icon style issue
  • Fixed the inability to add negative values in the addon zindex field

Version 5.2.6

29 January 2024
  • Option for Inner row settings added in the frontend editor
  • Added Expand Editor option in the code editor (Raw HTML addon and Custom CSS editor)
  • The context menu now includes an addon paste option when the column or div addon is empty
  • Enhanced SEO and accessibility for the Image addon
  • Removed unnecessary language strings script
  • Resolved an issue with column and nested row duplication when Tab or Accordion addons are present
  • The Price List addon’s content alignment and image position issue resolved (Pro only)
  • Addressed the issue related to the Contact Form addon submission in the module (Pro only)
  • Fixed the Flip Box addon’s flip issue on mobile devices (Pro only)
  • Fixed the Lottie addon’s URL issue (Pro only)

Version 5.2.5

09 January 2024
  • Bootstrap version has been updated to resolve vulnerabilities
  • Enhanced accessibility for Navigation and Divider addons
  • Added support for Vimeo ‘player’ prefix in video links for the video addon
  • Fixed column width calculation issue occurring after upgrading from SPPB 3.x to SPPB 5.x
  • Fixed column option button hidden issue in frontend editor when the row is fluid
  • Fixed page content missing when performing module ‘save as copy’ action
  • Fixed Table addon undefined item issue in old layouts (Pro only)
  • Fixed addon title margin issue
  • Fixed Optin form addon popup width issue (Pro only)

Version 5.2.4

19 December 2023
  • Improved accessibility to Accordion, Button, Article, Tab, Icon, Icon Group, Alert, Image Content, and Form Builder addons
  • Responsive options added for carousel gap (Testimonial Carousel, Image Carousel & Client addons) (Pro only)
  • Div addon’s hidden by device functionality improved
  • Added the option to hide input labels in the Form Builder addon (Pro only)
  • Added deep integration of EasyStore pagination status addon (Pro only)
  • Fixed column responsive issue for xs device (Pro only)
  • Fixed Addon Access Level issue in the Backend Editor
  • Fixed EasyStore common addon dropping & sorting issue of Product List item (Pro only)
  • Fixed popover addon custom class missing issue (Pro only)

Version 5.2.3

07 December 2023
  • Enhanced category field to adapt both Single and Multi-select in backend editor
  • Added navigation option for overflow tab item in backend editor
  • Fixed addon's title color issue in frontend editor
  • Fixed language filtering issue in article & module
  • Fixed article saving issue (Pro only)
  • Fixed easyStore route issue if url suffix is enabled (Pro only)
  • Addressed other known issues

Version 5.2.2

30 November 2023
  • Enhanced generative text AI generation (Pro only)
  • Implemented context menu opening based on available space in frontend editor
  • Disabled 'save as copy' and 'save & new' for easystore (Pro only)
  • Fixed animation visibility issue
  • Fixed installed font list not loading issue
  • Fixed installed language list showing issue in frontend editor without published (Pro only)
  • Fixed addon/column tools positioning issue

Version 5.2.1

24 November 2023
  • Fixed AI controller not found issue in frontend editor (Pro Only)
  • Fixed the issue of the issue of duplicated articles with empty content (Pro Only)

Version 5.2.0

23 November 2023
  • Introduced AI text and image generator (Pro Only)
  • Backend editor now supports pasting content across multiple pages
  • Modal popup addon now includes an option to manage content overflow (Pro Only)
  • Text editor's color palette now includes a global color list
  • Improved responsiveness of article columns field
  • Fixed typography issues occurring after upgrading from SPPB 3.x to SPPB 5.x
  • Fixed text editor expand issue in Joomla 3
  • Fixed ListField issue in the frontend editor for Joomla 3
  • Fixed addon width issue in Div addon

Version 5.1.9

16 November 2023
  • Implemented page-specific permission settings
  • Added “paste above” and “paste below” options in the frontend editor
  • Added tooltip and enhanced the link field in the Richtext editor
  • Fixed touch events issue on mobile devices for the BeforeAfter addon (Pro Only)
  • Fixed JCE code editor content not updating issue
  • Fixed admin label renaming issue for Product List item addon
  • Added the missing custom class field for all types of Slideshow item (Pro Only)

Version 5.1.8

10 November 2023
  • Added Joomla system editor on editor expansion.

Version 5.1.7

08 November 2023
  • Introduced a new rich-text editor
  • Enhanced the Product List addon (EasyStore) with layers panel functionality (Pro Only)
  • Added an option to set image ALT text in the Modal Popup addon (Pro Only)
  • Resolved a warning issue in the video addon
  • Fixed a tooltip problem on hover
  • Corrected the issue with the "Save as Copy" action for pages
  • Fixed Joomla backward compatibility issue
  • Fixed the phone number pattern issue in the Form Builder addon (Pro Only)
  • Fixed Instagram access token issue (Pro Only)
  • Fixed border width issue of the Tab addon
  • Fixed the responsive visibility issue of the Div addon

Version 5.1.6

25 October 2023
  • Joomla 5 compatibility
  • PHP 8.2 compatibility
  • Fixed a client addon carousel item problem
  • Resolved a preview issue with nested div addons in the Product List addon
  • Addressed the issue with dropping saved addons

Version 5.1.5

18 October 2023
  • Implemented sortable feature for EasyStore addon list in frontend editor
  • Fixed image layout button link migration problem
  • Added frontendtobackend navigation button
  • Fixed layers panel options popover positioning in frontend editor

Version 5.1.4

16 October 2023
  • Redirect to the last page after logging in to the frontend editor
  • Added a backdrop to the options in the Layers Panel
  • Fixed addon hidden issue in category view
  • Fixed addon parser parent value issue

Version 5.1.3

05 October 2023
  • Bug Fix

Version 5.1.2

04 October 2023
  • Bug Fix

Version 5.1.1

02 October 2023
  • Fixed table addon issue after updating to 5.1.0
  • Fixed carousel pro undefined property warning issue
  • Fixed module field value update issue
  • Fixed repeatable item link attachment issue

Version 5.1.0

29 September 2023
  • Deep integration with the upcoming EasyStore component (Pro)
  • Added new Popover addon (Pro)
  • Added new Before-after addon (Pro)
  • Enhanced frontend editor design for better alignment with the backend editor
  • Resolved problem with updating nested and deep addon rows in the layers panel

Version 5.0.10

20 September 2023
  • Implemented a feature to fix legacy page content for improved compatibility
  • Added a new "Border" field to enhance design customization options
  • Enhanced the Articles Scroller addon by introducing a control wrapper and enabling indicator settings
  • Fixed multiword search issue on page list page.
  • Fixed the team carousel item links
  • Fixed an issue with the Tab addon's icon or image options
  • Fixed a bug where accordion bodies were missing
  • Fixed the missing child issue within deep nested row in the layers panel
  • Included missing selector text and textrelated settings for images and icons in the modal addon
  • Fixed issue displaying only the initial category in multiselect for article addon.

Version 5.0.9

31 August 2023
  • Enhanced Media Security.
  • Added options for slideshow item padding and margin.
  • Increased max animation duration and delay value.
  • Fixed typography unit problem in the Timeline addon.
  • Fixed feature box addon disappear, button alignment and background hover color issue
  • Fixed the responsive margin problem in the frontend editor for columns.
  • Fixed problems related to emoji saving.
  • Fixed content display problem in form builder, contact form, and optin form.
  • Fixed “undefined property” problem in start row element.
  • Fixed the textarea resizing issue.
  • Resolved the problem of saving unpublished pages.
  • Fixed page renaming issue

Version 5.0.8

09 August 2023
  • Resolved a module class not found issue.
  • Addressed a problem with loading the language list.
  • Fixed css path issue of the Magnific CSS

Version 5.0.7

07 August 2023
  • Enhanced security measures
  • Improved media Access Control List (ACL) functionalities
  • Resolved a page freezing issue associated with duplicate ids
  • Fixed layout and gradient problems in slideshow transitions when upgrading from SPPB version 3 to 5
  • Corrected the positioning issue of the Tab addon for videos and iframes
  • Addressed SVG icon undefined error for custom icon packs
  • ​​Fixed the issue where the select field failed to update after changing devices
  • CSS duplication problem occurring on the SP Portfolio page
  • Ensured proper display of installed fonts in the FontsField
  • Resolved warning issue with window reload
  • Fixed problem with editing table addon in the backend editor
  • Resolved content saving problem in the JCE editor
  • Page List Searching issue

Version 5.0.6

27 July 2023
  • Added thumbnail size selection options for articles and articles scroller add-ons
  • Added translation string for google font api key instruction, row, column and add-on
  • Email sending issue in form builder for module section
  • Page Builder 3 to Page Builder 5 conversion issue in device based hiding
  • Page saving issue in Joomla 3
  • Slideshow video issue
  • Missing depends key in article scroller
  • Heading addon title color issue in the preview
  • Styles duplication issue for spacing settings
  • Text field cursor position issue
  • Email and license key spacing issue
  • Old addon id missing issue

Version 5.0.5

22 July 2023
  • Undefined constant LAZYLOAD_PLACEHOLDER issue

Version 5.0.4

21 July 2023
  • Highlight layer item on hovering addon
  • Reorganised import, export, clear content, and collapse/expand options in frontend editor
  • Iframe and script tags missing issue from addons
  • Slideshow autoplay issue after switching tab
  • Margin and padding issue for empty fields
  • Addon id missing issue in old addons
  • Acymailing subscription issue for same email address
  • Missing link color in navigation addon

Version 5.0.3

19 July 2023
  • Image loading issue in Windows Operating System
  • Lazy load placeholder issue for videos
  • Issue with deleting multiple media files

Version 5.0.2

18 July 2023
  • Added responsiveness for Flex properties in Div addon
  • Implemented HTML sanitization in frontend editor to prevent XSS vulnerability
  • Added tooltips for settings options
  • Resolved backend TextField rendering issue when changing devices
  • Fixed problem with saving empty div addon mutation
  • Addressed slider settings issue after changing devices
  • Resolved frontend select zindex problem
  • Fixed backend settings runtime error for section index
  • Resolved issue with save page API
  • Cleaned up row, column, image, and person addon's relative image URI
  • Vertical and horizontal alignment issue
  • Resolved backslash issue on media attachment from Folders
  • Slideshow animation was not working
  • Slideshow arrow gap from left and right issue
  • Slideshow height issue on mobile device
  • Resolved the issue of adding unnecessary links without user input
  • Resolved margin issue for the Image Carousel addon
  • Width issue for article scroller on window resize
  • Carousel pro arrow icon "angle double" issue
  • Team Carousel addon link issue
  • Ensured target and Rel attributes are not missing in the frontend editor's tag due to DOMPurify
  • Improved spacing by detecting legacy data structure
  • Addressed other known issues

Version 5.0.0

06 July 2023
  • Redesigned backend editor with enhanced user experience
  • Improved frontend editor
  • Enhanced sidebar user experience for easier access to Addons, Sections, and Page Settings
  • Introduction of the Color Library in the frontend and the backend editor
  • Redesign of Color, Typography, and Box Shadow features
  • Copy and paste functionality for addons, with "Paste Above", and "Paste Below" options and a shortcut for on-the-go pasting
  • Sorting feature in Layouts, making it simpler to locate your desired layout
  • Introduced Font Book, a feature allowing Custom and Google font installation.
  • Implemented a Media Manager in the backend.
  • Added functionality for sorting saved addons & sections.
  • Added options to add or remove addons to favorites for faster access.
  • Added support for CSS variables in the color picker.
  • Integrated article editing from the backend editor.
  • Introduced rollback support for the SP Page Builder 3.x series to enhance backward compatibility and facilitate migration from previous versions.
  • Detected outdated addon structures and implemented warning notifications to prompt users to upgrade to the most recent addon structure.

Version 5.0.1

07 July 2023
  • Enhance the security of the media manager.
  • Enhance the access control list (ACL) for the media manager.
  • Resolved the infinite loader issue with installed fonts.
  • Fix the issue where pages are not saving due to a null value in the CSS field.
  • Improve the position of frontend portal popovers for left and right docked panels.
  • Resolved the styling issue with sections.
  • Fix the issue with an invalid index in the spacing field.
  • The custom CSS code for the div addon does not work under the custom CSS class.

Version 4.0.11

22 May 2023
  • Added support for importing and exporting pages with Custom CSS in JSON format
  • Resolved the addon visibility issue in the page editor
  • Addressed the XSS vulnerability warning related to Bootstrap
  • Resolved the column vertical alignment problem
  • Fixed the Smart Search index issue, ensuring proper functionality

Version 4.0.10

06 April 2023
  • Resolved a responsive issue for columns and tablet/mobile column order
  • Fixed responsive issue of Addon column and Addon hidden
  • Wrong unit in the custom position for Joomla module addon
  • Feature Box addon’s icon hover background color was not working in preview mode

Version 4.0.9

03 April 2023
  • Image addon width and height issue
  • Alert addon issue if border added
  • Div addon drop as sibling issue
  • Pages still kept checkedin after clicking the save & +button
  • Column remains hidden on Mobile view but margin still shows issue
  • Outer margin issue for the nested section
  • Accordion addon styles issue in faq mode

Version 4.0.8

02 March 2023
  • New Open Graph options added in the SEO section and 3 new meta properties added into page view
  • New visibility and order options added into addons’ Advanced settings, Row’s & Column’s Responsive tab
  • NoReferrer and NoOpener options added for Links
  • Slideshow Addon and Feature Addon updated for responsive devices
  • Nested row duplication issue
  • Addon id issue for custom CSS
  • Heading addon missing TextShadow option added
  • Addon visibility is not working correctly issue
  • Nested row margin issue

Version 4.0.7

29 December 2022
  • The Page Category feature is restored
  • Render multiple SP Page Builder modules in a nested row
  • Feature Box addon’s title font family, icon remove option, wrong class selector for width, and background hover color issue
  • Media Manager disappearing issue when scrolling down and selecting an image
  • Page redirects issue when Add New Page, Save, and Close button is pressed
  • Performance issue – Out of Memory when multiple slider type addons are added to a page
  • Column background overlay, Row overflow, and center alignment issue

Version 4.0.6

27 October 2022
  • In Feature Box addon, separate ALT Text field added for Image
  • In Video addon, Video Title field added for the YouTube link
  • Check-out option added to the Bulk Action dropdown list
  • Option to add Youtube Shorts added in the Video addon
  • Drag Indicator Icon added in the column for sorting in the same row
  • Text Editor’s area size increased and expanded for user convenience
  • The Image addon would show the demo image link in spite of changing it
  • Hover Box Shadow in Feature Box addon works in the editor but not in preview mode
  • Borderradius does not work for the Text Block addon in editor preview mode
  • Frontend sidebar does not close if it sticks to the left or right
  • An image deleted from the folder still remains in the All Items and Image folder
  • DIV addon global CSS does not work
  • The external and internal margins of the container Div do not work
  • A new row can’t be inserted underneath the addons

Version 4.0.5

21 September 2022
  • Added FaLang extension compatibility
  • Added 4SEF extension compatibility
  • Removed Old Column Responsive Options
  • Old Accordion addon compatibility issue
  • Image drag & drop upload issue in Media Manager
  • Page access issue after upgrading from 3.x to 4.x
  • Layout JSON import issue

Version 4.0.4

07 September 2022
  • Page rename feature added in the dashboard page list menu
  • 4 new buttons are added to the page edit top panel (Save & Close, Save as Copy, Save & New, Back to Admin)
  • Improved undo/redo actions for page editing
  • Open graph image saving issue in options SEO settings
  • Added missing text field Button addon
  • Old custom addons do not exist issue
  • Image renaming not working in Media Manager
  • SP Page Builder keeps pages checked out
  • Layers panel disappeared issue after importing old layout JSON file
  • Page updated data, settings data, and license key data update not working properly in the Safari browser
  • All known bugs

Version 4.0.3

12 August 2022
  • File upload option added to links and buttons
  • Id tag missing issue in the Button addon
  • Button addon blank link render issue

Version 4.0.2

11 August 2022
  • Added inline alignment toggle option
  • Added Attachment upload option inside the SP Page Builder Buttons
  • Addons were not disabled in the editor responsive preview
  • SVG and WebP image thumbrelated issue
  • Testimonial addon alignment and PHP notice issue in preview
  • A tag ending was missing in the Image addon
  • Text Block addon’s content typography changed with title typography in preview
  • Child addon drag issue in deeply nested addons when you open the deeply nested addon settings
  • Failed to create or edit SPPB page when Multilingual plugin was enabled

Version 4.0.1

29 July 2022
  • Class ‘JDispatcher’ not found issue

Version 4.0.0

28 July 2022
  • Brand new system design
  • Intuitive front-end dashboards with filter functionality
  • 4 New functional addons
  • Adjust the look of your content with 6 different viewports
  • Customize anything at any stage with Layers
  • Resize and configure column width by dragging the column boundary
  • Revamped Media Manager
  • Added page layout export feature
  • Added copy, paste, and duplicate feature for nested addons from the context menu
  • Added inline edit functionality for Accordion addon, and Tab addon item title
  • Added Google fonts disable option
  • Added custom column generator feature
  • Added a clear button to remove the selected font from the Typography font select box
  • Option to add images from external URLs
  • Added Multi-language support for sidebar editor and Saved Items section
  • Added CSS variable and RGBA support in Color Picker
  • Improved the editor authentication
  • Improved the URL routing system
  • Dropped the admin menu module