Helix Ultimate 2.0 RC 2: One Step Closer to Stable Release - JoomShaper

Helix Ultimate 2.0 RC 2: One Step Closer to Stable Release

16 July 2021
Hits 7,962
3 min read
Helix Ultimate 2.0 RC 2: One Step Closer to Stable Release

Hello Helix Ultimate users! We are a big step closer to our Helix Ultimate 2.0 stable release. Today, we are releasing Helix Ultimate 2.0 RC 2 with a couple of new options, several fixes, and improvements. Our developers are working tirelessly to bring you the stable version ASAP. You just have to wait a bit more for this remarkable moment. 

Today’s (July 16th) RC 2 version is an experimental release and not ready for production sites. We wholeheartedly appreciate your interest in Helix Ultimate 2.0. You are invited to try this version, but DO Not use it on a production site.

Before you go through Helix Ultimate 2.0 RC 2, you can have a look at what came in our previous version here.

What’s in Helix Ultimate 2.0 RC 2

You already know the new Helix Ultimate 2.0 is packed with plenty of new features and functionalities. We have introduced many of these features in our previous updates. This Helix Ultimate 2.0 RC 2 will bring a couple of new options and fix several issues you might have experienced. 

Let’s take a look at the changelog to know what’s coming in this RC 2.

Helix Ultimate 2.0 RC 2 Changelog:

  • New: Sticky header offset option added
  • Fix: Multilingual template update issue
  • Fix: LoadTemplateData method's issue
  • Fix: Menu assign issue in template settings
  • Fix: Joomla 4 print popup issue
  • Fix: Custom logo URL issue
  • Fix: Layout builder grid option issue
  • Fix: Mega-menu full container issue
  • Fix: Missing language text

Sticky Header Offset Option

A lot of you want your website headers to be sticky. It is amazing how the header menu of your website stays fixed at the top and makes site navigation a lot easier. Now, with the new header sticky offset option, you can decide when you want your header to be sticky. This option lets you make your header sticky after a pixel value you place in there.

When you are logged in to your website, go to ExtensionsTemplates. Click on the template you are using, open the Template Option. Now, on the Template Option panel, go to BasicHeader, find the Sticky Header option at the bottom. Enable Sticky Header and Sticky Offset field will appear below. Give it a pixel value and save the changes.

Several More Fixes and Improvements

Apart from the sticky header offset option, we have brought some fixes and improvements too. We’ve added missing language text, fixed Joomla 4 print popup issue, solved custom logo URL issue, fixed-layout builder grid options issue, mega menu full container issue, and hardcoded helix ultimate issue. We hope these fixes will improve Helix Ultimate 2.0 and make your experience with it much smoother. 

We are drawing near to our Helix Ultimate 2.0 stable release. We believe this is going to change the way you build websites on Joomla. Test this Helix ultimate 2.0 RC 2, and do let us know your thoughts in the comment. And again, please do not use this version on your live site. Good luck.

Try Helix Ultimate 2.0 RC 2

Rayhan Arif

Rayhan Arif

Assistant Vice President, Business Development
Content and web evangelist who loves to discuss life-changing web tools like SP Page Builder & Helix Ultimate, and introduces new templates and helps users have a clear understanding of how they work.
3 years ago
Hola, instale la plantilla y me aparece este mensaje:

Default Layout file is not exists! Please goto to template manager and create a new layout first.
3 years ago
Please test it in a local environment. It is not recommended to use it on a live site. We will solve all issues.
3 years ago
Already Solved download and reinstall, Thanks.
Selim Rana
Selim Rana
3 years ago
Just awesome, waiting for it.
3 years ago
Thank you so much. Please stay with us.
Mani Lee
Mani Lee
3 years ago
Joomla 4 RC4 ---

"Default Layout file is not exists! Please goto to template manager and create a new layout first."

Okay with J3
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
3 years ago
Yes, we noticed it during the update. But on fresh installation should be OK. It will be fixed.
3 years ago
Already Solved download and reinstall, Thanks.
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
3 years ago
thanks, I can confirm it works.
Carlos Miguel Soria
Carlos Miguel Soria
3 years ago
https://youtu.be/AryxDd4Q5UQ Review de la ultima actualización de la Helix Ultimate 2.0, hago análisis de los diferentes encabezados, presentación del menú, el blog, etc. También doy a conocer mejoras que se podrían implementar. #Joomla #joomshapper #joomla4
3 years ago
As almost always your updates are buggy. I install the template on my develop site, on xampp and wamp. The result is this message.

Class 'HelixUltimateFeatureContact' not found

Hope you will fixt asap.
3 years ago
Ok, the updated file fixed the issue. Tanks a lot
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
3 years ago
You're welcome. Don't forget it was the RC version, not Stable. Windows updates can crash your system which is more painful, right.
WSB Computer Services
WSB Computer Services
3 years ago
Do you have the pro version available for testing?
WSB Computer Services
WSB Computer Services
3 years ago
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
3 years ago
HU 2.0 RC - is a free version only, we do not plan the Pro version.
3 years ago
Hi guys,
I want TO TEST it in depth to check all the bugs fixing I reported.
I want to do it ON A COPY of my main live site where right now I have installed last Helix Ultimate 1.1.4.
Please, What is the right way to update Helix Ultimate to the 2.0 RC2 ?
Can I just to install 2.0 RC2 over the HU 1.1.4 ?!?
Please, Can you give us all tricks / tips we have to pay attention ?
3 years ago
Please test it in a local environment. It is not recommended to use it on a live site. After Stable Version you can update.
3 years ago
Hi Amjad Rana,
Sorry but I never wrote that I'm going to test it on a Live site. I wrote:
I want TO TEST it in depth to check all the bugs fixing I reported.
I want to do it ON A COPY of my main live site where right now I have installed last Helix Ultimate 1.1.4.

The question is:
Please, What is the right way to update Helix Ultimate to the 2.0 RC2 ?
Can I just to install 2.0 RC2 over the HU 1.1.4 ?!?
Please, Can you give us all tricks / tips we have to pay attention ?
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
3 years ago
Backup first then update.
3 years ago
Hi ребята. Отличная работа.
There is a small problem with the Header, which I wrote on GitHub. Exploring this problem, I looked at Style-1 Header.php. And in this regard, I want to express huge respect for changing the approach to the code. Now there is a clear code that is easy to customize instead of $output approach.

Helix Ultimate 2.0 takes off to new vertices for flexible development.
Respect guys!
3 years ago
Thank you so much. Please stay with us.
Carlos Miguel Soria
Carlos Miguel Soria
3 years ago
I am reviewing the template, there is still a part that should be corrected in when the header left modal is selected to which the menu is shown a background image appears, there should be an option to change it. In this link https://prnt.sc/1cffbna you can review what I mean.

The search button should also have this design option like the one in this template https://www.joomshaper.com/joomla-templates http://demo.joomshaper.com/?template=opus
Carlos Miguel Soria
Carlos Miguel Soria
3 years ago
https://youtu.be/AryxDd4Q5UQ Review de la ultima actualización de la Helix Ultimate 2.0, hago análisis de los diferentes encabezados, presentación del menú, el blog, etc. También doy a conocer mejoras que se podrían implementar. #Joomla #joomshapper #joomla4
Andrea Maestrini
Andrea Maestrini
3 years ago
Hi! Will it be possible to update from HU 1.x to HU 2.0 directly?
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
3 years ago
Yes, it should work. But please wait for the stable version first.
Andrea Maestrini
Andrea Maestrini
3 years ago
Of course, thank you!
Wilson Junior
3 years ago
Awesome! Excite to final version.
Something wrong in SP Page Builder 3.7.12 after install HU rc2. The "Parent Column" button in add-on options. Page reload with homepage when it is clicked. This happens on my localhost.
3 years ago
Thanks a lot. If you face any issue in HU2. Please create an issue in github.
Mac Joomla
3 years ago
Thank you for the Update. But what is about module position "right"? Seems to have gone away?
3 years ago
Thanks a lot. If you face any issue in HU2. Please create an issue in github.
Dmitry Goncharov
Dmitry Goncharov
2 years ago
When can I wait for the release of Helix Ultimate 2.0 ?
2 years ago
Soon very soon. next month.
Fabian W.
Fabian W.
2 years ago
Joomla!4 stable release is here. Where ist Helix Ultimate 2.0 stable release? :P
Just kidding! ;-) Just can't wait for it! :P

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