SP Page Builder 4.0 RC 2: Redesigned Dashboard, Moveable Addon Settings Panel, and More - JoomShaper

SP Page Builder 4.0 RC 2: Redesigned Dashboard, Moveable Addon Settings Panel, and More

26 May 2022
Hits 5,557
3 min read
SP Page Builder 4.0 RC 2: Redesigned Dashboard, Moveable Addon Settings Panel, and More

At JoomShaper, we’re always working to shape our products to perform at their best. That’s why we decided to roll out another RC version of your favorite Joomla page builder, SP Page Builder 4.0 with new features and quality life improvements. The RC 2 of SP Page Builder 4.0 is out today, with new features to help add more structure to your workflow and bring your brightest ideas to life.

We wholeheartedly invite you to test the RC version in a staging environment and let us know how you feel about it.

Today (May 26th) RC version is an experimental release and not ready for production sites. We wholeheartedly appreciate your interest in SP Page Builder 4.0. You are invited to try this Beta version, but DO Not use it on a production site.

Please note this is an RC release. Feel free to experiment with the release on a staging site and share your experience with us in the comments!

Let’s go through the changelog to find out what this update has in store.

SP Page Builder 4.0 RC 2 Changelog:

  • New: The Addon settings panel is now draggable
  • New: Two Scrolling options - Viewport and Full-page are added in Interaction settings
  • Update: Improved Dashboard UI design with filter functionality
  • Fix: DIV addon issues (nested div drag and drop, duplication, copy and paste, text changing, global styles)
  • Fix: Addon settings option is not clickable for Video & Soundcloud addon
  • Fix: Addon saving issue for deeply nested addons like Accordion and Tab
  • Fix: Accordion addon settings
  • Fix: Tabs addon CSS issue for nav position
  • Fix: Nested row-column gap not working issue
  • Fix: Empty folder delete issue in Media panel
  • Fix: Added missing row copy-paste feature

Freshly Redesigned Dashboard

SP Page Builder 4.0 RC 2

From creating pages to managing addons, custom icons, integrations, and more, we want our users to make the most out of Dashboard. That’s why the dashboard of SP Page Builder 4.0 has been redesigned in this update to bring in more functionalities. 

Core Joomla default features such as taking Bulk Actions, Sorting, Status, and Filter Options are now available on the SP Page Builder 4.0 dashboard.  

Moveable Sidebar & Addon Settings

The Addon settings are also moveable after this update, along with the sidebar editor. Now you can smoothly work and edit your website pages on any screen size without the placement of the editor disrupting your workflow. 

New Scrolling Options in Interaction

SP Page Builder RC 2

We have also added two scrolling options named Fullpage and Viewport in Interaction settings. Using the two options, you can create animations that are either visible on the viewport when visitors scroll through a web page or takes up the full page. 

Apart from the newly added features, you'll also get to enjoy several fixes in this update. Please go through the changelog once again to see what this RC version has to offer.

Wrapping Up

Your constructive feedback and immense support have made our journey to SP Page Builder 4.0 a great one. Before releasing the stable version, we want to address issues and feedback reported by our users to make sure you get to enjoy a smooth transition to SP Page Builder 4.0. So try the RC 2 version on a staging site and let us know your experience in the comments.

Happy testing! 

Warning: This is an experimental build intended for testing purposes. Please don't use this experimental version in production sites!

This RC version is an experimental release and not ready for production sites.

Try SP Page Builder Pro 4.0.0! (RC 2)Try SP Page Builder Lite 4.0.0! (RC 2)

Zareen Tasnim

Zareen Tasnim

Technical Content Writer
Zareen is a technical content writer at JoomShaper. She's a tech enthusiast, writer by day, programmer by night, and always a foodie at heart!
2 years ago
Can we start developing a new website with this version and upgrade it later to the final version?
(not to use on a live website, but begin a development of a new website)
Zareen Tasnim
Zareen Tasnim
2 years ago
Hi Morphinestyle, yes you can start developing a new website with this RC version. Just don't use it on a live website.

2 years ago
I cant click on the menu column that disappears immediatly, it happens on the last column, on the right edge of the section. Take a look: https://postimg.cc/hz2GRt9F
Muntasir Sakib
Muntasir Sakib
2 years ago
Thanks for sharing. We will look into it.
2 years ago
Why not override browser Ctrl+S to save the page fastly?
Muntasir Sakib
Muntasir Sakib
2 years ago
You cannot save using Ctrl+S after overriding any file, that's what you want to say?
‏‏‎ ‎J‏‏‎‎e‏‎‏‏‎‎n‏‏‎‎s W.‏‏‎
‏‏‎ ‎J‏‏‎‎e‏‎‏‏‎‎n‏‏‎‎s W.‏‏‎
2 years ago
Made my day this reply. xD
He meant, save the changes he made to the page within the sppb with ctrl+s instead of the need to click the save button.
2 years ago
The CSS rule .sppb-row-container padding mismatch from EDITING MODE and FRONTEND, and show different sized row, here a picture: https://postimg.cc/rdxRdPHh
2 years ago
I fixed adding a custom css rule:

padding-left: 15px;
padding-right: 15px;

the problem is due to rule .sppb-row-container in canva.css that set padding: 10px 0 in editing mode
Muntasir Sakib
Muntasir Sakib
2 years ago
We will check that from our end. Thanks.
Muntasir Sakib
Muntasir Sakib
2 years ago
We will check that from our end. Thanks.
Ugur Uygur
Ugur Uygur
2 years ago

Thanks to all the great producers.

It would be really awesome if you add {loadposition module-id} for the Modal Popup.

Best Regards
Muntasir Sakib
Muntasir Sakib
2 years ago
Thanks for sharing your thought. We will talk about it with the Dev team.
Dmitry Goncharov
Dmitry Goncharov
2 years ago
If JCE is installed as the default editor, and you click the first "Edit text" button in the text addon, then the builder crashes. There is nothing more to add... JCE of the penultimate version
Muntasir Sakib
Muntasir Sakib
2 years ago
Does it show any error message on the screen?
Dmitry Goncharov
Dmitry Goncharov
2 years ago
No, the toolbar just disappears.
Dmitry Goncharov
Dmitry Goncharov
2 years ago

JCE is installed by default. And it is also very necessary to make it in a large window, and not in a micro window.
2 years ago
It looks good. But there is a problem with the addon, image layout. When it is visible, this message comes when previewing,
Attempt to assign property "letter_spacing" on string.

When I hide the addon the page loads fine.

Since I work with this addon in the design of my page, SPPB 4 is totally unusable for me.

When will you finally test your products thoroughly befor they will be released. This is always such a hassle with you guys.
Please, don't tell me that, it's an RC version,. I know it. I don't like to hear these cheap excuses anymore.
Rafael Alvarez
2 years ago
Hi, this looks great.

I do have a couple of questions:

1.- Will be upgradable from current (3.8.x) to this version ?. Is too heavy to develop a site from scratch cause not only the webpage editor, other components are needed to be working so we would not like to start over, just migrate the content to this new version.

2.- Will it work with PHP8.x ? We did have problems with PHP8 and had to use PHP 7.4 instead with current production version and Joomla 4.x.x

Muntasir Sakib
Muntasir Sakib
2 years ago
1. Yes, you can upgrade from the current version to the new version. No worry, we got it. You don't need to develop a site from scratch.

2. No, not yet compatible with PHP8.x.
Rafael Alvarez
2 years ago
Thanks for your response. Please note PHP 7.4 will end support this year.

Best Regards
2 years ago
what so why didnt you tell that bcs everyone is on php 8 now and you dont test a new version on that mature php version.. I dont get it.
2 years ago
display bug here ! https://prnt.sc/KK1jWGBgesXS
2 years ago
another bug, top box not accessible : https://prnt.sc/jp2xa6hWRFsE
2 years ago
another bug on tab addon, unable to rename the first tab : https://prnt.sc/mGwB4Mu3B6Gj
2 years ago
after inserting a block from here https://prnt.sc/_yKmI-EjKyZG nothing appears, blank page : https://prnt.sc/Ot1bmNmwkGbO
2 years ago
Yes everything is blank for me the page doesnt load.. :(
2 years ago

I'm on the migration of Translate For SP Page Builder for this new version.

Is it possible to make some change like you have done for SP Page Builder 3


add line 13 PluginHelper use
use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper;

Line 90

$globalDefault = SpPgaeBuilderBase::getSettingsDefaultValue($global_attributes);

PluginHelper::importPlugin('system');//new line

foreach ($addons_list as &$addon) {

and line 145

if (method_exists($class_name, 'getTemplate')) {
$addon['js_template'] = true;

Factory::getApplication()->triggerEvent('onBeforeAddonConfigure', array($addon_name, &$addon));//new line

Best regards,
2 years ago
There's some problem with DESKTOP and LAPTOP switcher (up screen bar): for example if you set a Heading font size 90px for desktop and 70px for laptop it doesn't work properly: doesn't respect any values
2 years ago
Importing JoomShaper ready page layout it won't change font or element properties
2 years ago
Some visualization bugs https://prnt.sc/jLouVNvrDN8n
2 years ago
Section fixed height not working
2 years ago
on preview
2 years ago
Margin under Heading won't work on live site, it works only on preview
Dmitry Goncharov
Dmitry Goncharov
2 years ago
When are you planning to abandon Jquery?
2 years ago
Yes good question..
‏‏‎ ‎J‏‏‎‎e‏‎‏‏‎‎n‏‏‎‎s W.‏‏‎
‏‏‎ ‎J‏‏‎‎e‏‎‏‏‎‎n‏‏‎‎s W.‏‏‎
1 year ago
In my estimation, probably 2025 or later.

Based on how the support in the forum deals with old libs when they no longer work properly.


Rather than simply removing or disabling the library and switching to CSS, the lib is customized.

Of course, I can also be completely wrong. :)

Let's hope for the best and give the developers some time.
Maybe it is already on the TODO list.
2 years ago
There is no delete for pages. And I cant create and pages the pagebuilder pages doesnt load into the site. php 8.1.7 Joomla 4.1.5 and Helix U 2.0.10
Jeffrey Kiefer
2 years ago
I have been experiencing problems changing and saving text and heading font sizes for the different display sizes, desktop, tablet, phone. etc.
KE Comm
KE Comm
2 years ago
SP PB Modules do not work properly. SP PB as editor in articles(content items does not allow json export.
Dmitry Goncharov
Dmitry Goncharov
2 years ago
When are you planning to abandon Jquery?
Jeffrey Kiefer
2 years ago
Any guess as to when the RC 3 or the final stable will be released?
‏‏‎ ‎J‏‏‎‎e‏‎‏‏‎‎n‏‏‎‎s W.‏‏‎
‏‏‎ ‎J‏‏‎‎e‏‎‏‏‎‎n‏‏‎‎s W.‏‏‎
2 years ago
They are testing the stable version right now.
There is no ETA for the release.

‏‏‎ ‎J‏‏‎‎e‏‎‏‏‎‎n‏‏‎‎s W.‏‏‎
‏‏‎ ‎J‏‏‎‎e‏‎‏‏‎‎n‏‏‎‎s W.‏‏‎
1 year ago
But there is still a problem with JCE.
The JCE Core release leads to a completely broken SPPB when trying to edit a text field.
All JCE Core users must disable JCE Core or stay with SPPB 3.x until the issue is resolved.

Tested with J4, Cassiopeia, SPPB 4 RC2 and JCE Core


TypeError: i.on is not a function
at engine.js?675648a9d369bfb4fb263ee41048d3a6:1:415777
at ju (vendors.js?675648a9d369bfb4fb263ee41048d3a6:2:708312)
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (vendors.js?675648a9d369bfb4fb263ee41048d3a6:2:929793)
at Ho (vendors.js?675648a9d369bfb4fb263ee41048d3a6:2:648377)
at Eu (vendors.js?675648a9d369bfb4fb263ee41048d3a6:2:707775)
at su (vendors.js?675648a9d369bfb4fb263ee41048d3a6:2:699076)
at vendors.js?675648a9d369bfb4fb263ee41048d3a6:2:648600
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (vendors.js?675648a9d369bfb4fb263ee41048d3a6:2:929793)
at Ho (vendors.js?675648a9d369bfb4fb263ee41048d3a6:2:648377)
at Bo (vendors.js?675648a9d369bfb4fb263ee41048d3a6:2:648545)

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