Embed A Joomla Component Into A PageBilder Page - Question | JoomShaper

Embed A Joomla Component Into A PageBilder Page



SP Page Builder 2 years ago

Hello everyone,

I'm just on the hose ;-) Is it possible to add a component to a PageBuilder page? I need to embed the JEvents component with other PageBuilder elements on a page and I don't understand it right now. Is that even possible ?

THX Immo

13 Answers
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 years ago #63909

Hi Immo,

in theory, yes, but I cannot give you any warranty. Becuase Joomla by default do not allows to use two components views on this same page.

You need:

  1. https://regularlabs.com/componentsanywhere
  2. Custom Module (joomla core one) to use (1) -- but inside module "Options" tab > Prepare Content: Yes.
  3. Module addon from SPPB to use module (2)
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 years ago #63910

Easier would be to use SPPB module - published in module position under or below JEvents component view. If Helix Ultimate template you can use content-top or content-bottom position.

Accepted Answer
2 years ago #63935

Hi Paul,

Many thanks for the quick response - at the linked page is written "Components Anywhere is not compatible with Joomla 4 (yet)." - so I cant use that because I work with Joomla 4 ;-)

The thing about the 2 components is that SPPB itself is a component, right? That means I would have to build a component into a component.

Each of my pages has a headline animated from SPPB and below that is my content. Now I would like that this looks the same on JEvents as it does on all other sites. I'm using the JEvents month view, which is a component. But I can't put the animated headline above it. The "Custom Module" doesn't get me very far either, since I can't load the animated heading into it.

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 years ago #63957

Yes, SPPB is component.

Maybe you have to develop JEvents module that would have view from months view.

Anyway, My help ends here.

Accepted Answer
2 years ago #63959

Ok THX Paul!

Haven't several people had this problem before?

Hmm, let's see how I will solve the problem...

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 years ago #63960

In Joomla 3.x is not a big problem, there is extension for this, as you noticed.

You can hire freelancer (from your city/country) who can develop you a extra module. There is always a two ways to solve any challange/problem.

Accepted Answer
2 years ago #63962

I even know someone there ;-)

Or I wait until the expansion for J4 is released.

THX for helping me again Paul

Eric Poller
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #103074

Hello, maybe I had the same question/problem... I tryed the folowing code in a Joomla Module and put this by the add-on in a SPPB-page. But: there is no result, only the text of the code appear.... The code: {component "index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=list&listid=33"} And I did all what's written in the documentation. Help is needed.

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 year ago #103081

Hi Eric,

as 1st step publish Custom module in template module (bottom1 etc.) without using SPPB, just to test if you can see content nfrom component view!

Q: Fabrik do not have module? I cannot believe that, so famus extension.

Eric Poller
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #103087

Hi Paul The first step I did, the not wanted result is only the text of the code.. And yes, Fabrik have a module, perhaps is that the way I have to do.... I had in mind that I had to make a Joomla Custom Module. I 'll change my mind and make a Fabrik module and try to use this. I let you know.

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 year ago #103088


Using module is much more trusted method, especially if you want to display it in another component.

Eric Poller
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #103092

Thinking out of the box is better sometimes :-) It works fine with the fabrik-module. Thank you very much.

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 year ago #103094

Ufff.. I'm glad it was solved without using weird hacks (wire & duct tape).