SP Property - Price Quotation - Question | JoomShaper

SP Property - Price Quotation

Chris G

Chris G

Extension 1 year ago

Hi guys,

I can't figure out the way the extension calculates the prices in the frontend. In some places the price/m² is given, in other places then a fixed price from the backend.

Where can I influence which price is displayed? Or another question: Where can I edit the calculation on which the ad is based?

here is a real example:

  • Property has a fixed price of 469.000 €.
  • However, the overview does not show the fixed price, but a calculation Price x m² -( 469.000€ x 190m² = 89.110.000€)
  • The fixed price is then displayed again in the detailed view of the property.
  • There is no possibility of price adjustment in the SP Property Module.

Images: https://vielfaltimmobilien.de/images/price1.JPG https://vielfaltimmobilien.de/images/price2.JPG https://vielfaltimmobilien.de/images/price3.JPG

Could you please help me? You can use Admin access

Regards Chris

14 Answers
Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 year ago #94907

Apology for the delay. Both issues are fixed now. Please check your site.

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 year ago #91810

Hello Chris G

Apology for the inconvenience. Your issue is fixed now. Please check your site.

Best regards

Chris G
Chris G
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #91834

Hey Ofi,

thanks for your support. There are two other places that also need to be adjusted

  1. Module right side https://vielfaltimmobilien.de/ueber-uns/unser-team/1-anna-zieske

  2. Main Menu > "KAUFEN/MIETEN"

Can you please check these two positions again?

Thank you!

Regards Chris

Chris G
Chris G
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #92756

Hey guys, any update?

FYI: The modules in the main menu are temporarily hidden due to incorrect price display. The module on the right is still visible.

Regards Chris

Chris G
Chris G
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #93813

Hey guys,

need a quick solution for this issue, pls.

Regards Chris

Chris G
Chris G
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #94888

Hey guys,

need still a quick solution for this issue, pls.

Regards Chris

Chris G
Chris G
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #94918

Thank you so much!

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 year ago #95426

You are welcome 😊

I have a humble request. It would be very kind of you if you can manage some moment to give us feedback on 

  1. Joomla Extension Directory
  2. TrustPilot

This will inspire us to improve.

Tanidis Triantafillos
Tanidis Triantafillos
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #105952


I'm having the exact same pricing problem as Chis G (https://vielfaltimmobilien.de/) that you solved about 2 months ago.

Could you help me please?

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 year ago #108368

Hello Tanidis Triantafillos

Please post a new question regarding your issue. We will check and help you.

Also, remove your credentials from the post. It is visible to the post creator.

Best regards

Tanidis Triantafillos
Tanidis Triantafillos
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #108410

I have already post question here: https://www.joomshaper.com/forum/question/22613 and the problem was solved.

Chris G
Chris G
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #108930


got a new issue with the Price Quotation: I want to edit a property with a price of €1.438.000. I get the following error message: "Error: Out of range value for column 'price' at row 1" How could i fix this issue?

Regards Chris

Tanidis Triantafillos
Tanidis Triantafillos
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #108985

Hi Chris G,

I have already post question here: https://www.joomshaper.com/forum/question/22613 for error message: "Error: Out of range value for column 'price' at row 1" and I'm waiting for them to answer me.

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 year ago #109089

You cannot add more that 10,00,000 in SP Property -> Property Price. If you want to increase the digits, then you have to change in the database. Please run this SQL query on your database. By default, the value is FLOAT(8,2). If you make it FLOAT(9,2), then you can add 1 more digit in the price 1,00,00,000

ALTER TABLE `xxxxx_spproperty_properties` CHANGE `price` `price` FLOAT(9,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0.00’;

Use your table prefix instead of xxxxx on the table name.