Published Date, Category And Author Details In Article - Question | JoomShaper

Published Date, Category And Author Details In Article



Helix Framework 1 year ago

Hi, is there any chance that article information, like published date, category, and author, can be placed in the same line as social network buttons? Also, is there any way to add Font Awsome icons nearby this information? For example, user icon near author, clock icon near date, etc.

3 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 year ago #103502

Hi there!

Thanks for your query.

I could not reach your screenshot. In which template you want to accomplish this, please? However, this requires custom work anyways.

Best Regards

Accepted Answer
1 year ago #103508

Hi, I would like to do this in Helix Ultimate. Maybe this can be considered for the next Helix Ultimate upgrade.

Here is the image:

You can see blank spaces in line with social icons, this space could be used for article info, like category, author, publishing date, etc.

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 year ago #117753


Sorry for the unwanted oversight.

I can see them in single line in my Helix Ultimate template article details page. Here is a screenshot for your convenience:

Best Regards