Simple Portfolio Item Detail In Artion Template - Question | JoomShaper

Simple Portfolio Item Detail In Artion Template

Céline Charles

Céline Charles

Template 1 year ago

Hello there,

How to get the right column first of the Simple Portfolio items details on mobile devices? It seems more accurate to get the main visual of one project at first.

Many thanks.

6 Answers
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 year ago #115762

Yes, It will be fine if you override the default.php file inside the template html directory. Thanks

Céline Charles
Céline Charles
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #115673

Hi Toufiq,

I managed to solve my question about the place of the colums changing depending on devices by myself, thanks!

I changed the html simple-portfolio item default file. Changed the columns space and changed them to "col-md-4 order-first order-md-last" for the right area, and "col-md-8 order-sm-last" for the left area on laptop devices. Does that seem right?

Hope it's ok to change directly the template file without creating any override. Is it better to create overriding files?

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 year ago #115618

Please share an screenshot that you want to do exactly & provide me the administrator access. I will check & get back to you soon. Please avoid to request customization. Thanks

Céline Charles
Céline Charles
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #115484

Another question, still about simple portfolio item details pages: would it be possible to get only one item detail page with the right column (wide screen) canceled, and then get a page with the left colum (still wide screen) with detailed content on the project in full width?

For instance on this page: I want to get rid of the right column, and want the left column to take 12 bootstrap columns (full width), but only for 1 project of all the Simple Porforlio items. Possible?


Céline Charles
Céline Charles
Accepted Answer
1 year ago #115477

Hi there,

I tried to manage by myself but the result is not clean: and I'm not satisfied…: the 2 columns are not properly one under the other. Can you help me and give me the right way to do it?

Have a look here on a wide screen (laptop) and on mobile screen to see the problem: I want the column wich appears on the right side with wide screens (with the fixed visual and TAGS & CLIENT underneeth) appear on first position on mobile phones (in order to get the visual of the project at first when opening the page on mobile pages).


Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 year ago #104613

Hi there,

Thanks for contacting us. Sorry for the inconvenience. Will you please share an screenshot that you want to do exactly? I will check & get back to you soon.
