SP Page Builder - White Screen In Joomla 4 - Question | JoomShaper

SP Page Builder - White Screen In Joomla 4



SP Page Builder 1 year ago

Hello, i'm currently working on a site i built up from scratch in Joomla 4. Unfortunately the Page Builder shows a blank screen as soon as i enter the edit mode, previews and SPPB menu points are available however. I tried a new install and checked some other entries in the forum but nothing worked for me.

Do you have any idea how i could get the SPPB to work properly?

Would be great to be able to use this awesome tool... : )

Thanks in advance!

Joomla 4.2.9, Helix 3.0.3, SPPB 4.0.8 (+EventBooking,+JoomlaBusinessDirectory,+OSMapFree,+JCEeditor,+AkeebaBackup)

7 Answers
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 year ago #110083

Hi there,

I appreciate you reaching out. I sincerely apologize for this oversight. Will you please provide me the Joomla administrator access to check the issue? I will check & get back to you soon. 


Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 year ago #110110

If I may...

There is known problem with EventBooking modules, they generate error 500 after using them inside SPPB addons in Joomla 4.x. You have to contact with their support thru ticket.

Accepted Answer
1 year ago #111205

Ok thank you very much. I'll contact EventBooking then and you can close this ticket. If i should need further help after contacting EventBooking i will open a new request.

Thanks and have a nice time!

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 year ago #111211

As you noticed they said that there is old code is event module? Weird, maybe join to that same conversation on their forum.

Accepted Answer
1 year ago #113678

Hello again, on your recommendation i contacted the EventBooking support, unfortunately they were not able to help me with the white screen issue.

Here is the reply: "I tried to check it but your site does not display any error message, so it's hard for me to know what's wrong. Also, this page belongs to SP Page Builder, so I don't know how it is related to Events Booking. The topic which they linked to https://joomdonation.com/forum/events-booking/74435-errors-from-modules-joomla-4-2-class-jrequest-not-found-more.html#157025 , was for something which base on very old version of Events Booking code. We remove JRequest usage from long time ago, so I don't know SP Page Builder support sends you that link. Please ask them to see why they think that the problem related to Events Booking ?"

Maybe you could take a look at the issue? See hidden content...

Thank you very much in advance!

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 year ago #114616

I found that link from the past by google research - I didn't say it's the current and the only one, it was a clue.

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 year ago #114618

Maybe indeed use Events Booking module beyond structure of Page using Template Module position and compare if then it works or not.

If this is Helix Ultimate based template you have: content-bottom or bottom1 - positions.

let me know after the tests