Export Import SP Builder Pages From J3 To J4 - Question | JoomShaper

Export Import SP Builder Pages From J3 To J4

Stéphane Bernard, BAB Location Véhicules

Stéphane Bernard, BAB Location Véhicules

SP Page Builder 11 months ago

Hi team, A simple question : is it possible to export SP page Builder J3 and import the file in SP builder J4 ? Best regards

5 Answers
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 10 months ago #131191

Since last update SPPB 5.0.10 this should work even better.


SPPB 4.x is not supported anymore.

Stéphane Bernard, BAB Location Véhicules
Stéphane Bernard, BAB Location Véhicules
Accepted Answer
10 months ago #131189

Soory for my late reply ! Thanks a lot Rashida and Paul. Best regards ans keep in safe !

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 10 months ago #131264

You're always welcome:)

Have a nice day too!

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 11 months ago #126901

Hi Stéphane,

yes, you have two options:

  1. Export Page by Page (using .json file) from 1st website then import on 2nd website, one by one.
  2. Or export prefix_sppagebuilder table from Jomla database and import on 2nd website - PHPMyAdmin (needed!) - useful if you have more than 10 pages, and short time to complete this task.
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 11 months ago #126898

Hi there!

Thanks for contacting us.

Did you try this already?


Best Regards