SPPB Doesn't Save Changes When Using Code Editor. - Question | JoomShaper

SPPB Doesn't Save Changes When Using Code Editor.


Jerome Wee

SP Page Builder 8 months ago

Hi, I was using SP Page Builder Pro 3.8.10 with PHP 8.0, Joomla 4.3.4, JCE Editor 2.9.41 and Helix Ultimate 2.0.14 and everything worked fine.

When upgrading to SP Builder Pro 5.0.8, it gave an installation error, I had to do an Upgrade Structure on SP Page Builder then install it again.

However, changes made in Code editor tab in all Text Block were not saved when clicking the Save button even though it showed "Page saved successfully." Changes in JCE Editor are fine, problem only occurs when saving in Code editor. Worked around it by making the changes in Code editor, followed by clicking on the Preview tab then saving it.

Also I found that all the Text Block in the Tabs Addon doesn't use the Helix Ultimate css text color (#010050) and defaulted to black or white text. Worked around it by using Styles to change the text color in all the Text Block in the Tabs.

regards Jerome

9 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 8 months ago #127980

Hi there,

Sorry for your experience.

If there is inline CSS for specific addon, then it will override the global CSS from template, you are right about it.

However, would you please give me your admin access to check the issue?

Best Regards

Jerome Wee
Accepted Answer
8 months ago #128015

There's no inline CSS for the Tabs addon. It was OK in v3.8.10, it only happened after upgrade to v5.0.8 Admin access credentials below Thanks

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 8 months ago #128609

Hi Jerome,

Please take my sincere apology for not being there.

However, I could not login with your given credentials. Would you please check and let me know?

Best Regards

Jerome Wee
Accepted Answer
8 months ago #128618

Have unblock your credentials in my website. try now.

Accepted Answer
8 months ago #128027

This problem rules since many versions. Builder get more and more worse.

Accepted Answer
8 months ago #128029


I actually intended to post here today about this very issue so I am throwing my hat into the ring on this one. The code editor since updating to SPPB v5.x from SPPB v4.0.11 has been an absolute nightmare to work with. I've cycled through all of the editors; JCE, TinyMCE, and CodeMirror, but the results remain the same. I either do not get the intended result or the supposed "Page saved successfully" modifications are actually completely ignored. When it actually does save your desired text, SPPB v5.x inputs additional lines of code and/or automatically modifies the lines of code with erratic code input; such as, adding an extra <p> or <div>, arbitrarily adding <p>&nbsp;</p>, etc. There are issues as well while attempting to use the drop-downs; i.e., Format, Styles, Font Family, or Font Size, which become inaccessible while using the editor in the expanded mode. They simply do not drop-down to allow modifying the selected text.

No different than the OP, I have no additional special CSS that tampers with the edited settings and yet, jumping through hoops to get the correct layout with the editor has become standard fair now. As noted above, these issues were not present with SPPB v4.0.11. This really needs to be properly addressed by the dev team.

Just so the devs have a bit more of a perspective on the whole. I have once again downgraded my website to SPPB v4.0.11, which in turn meant that I had to recreate one of my pages from scratch; one that contained several feature box elements. These feature box elements are not just stacked one upon the other either, so it was quite the task to get them laid out properly in the first place. So; once I downgraded to SPPB4, it took me less than an hour to recreate the exact same page as per my SPPB v5.0.8 layout; including the relevant text content for each item, of which the same process took me over 4 hours due to having to deal with the incessant editor issues.


Accepted Answer
8 months ago #128033

Saving will be happen if you switch once or twice from tab "code" to tab "preview" and back and saving with every switch. It's funny. No.

More issues to the developers: Uploading own icons (in this case Fontello) do not show the choosen icon. It shows some hieroglyphs.

Also the editors as mentioned before: An integration of the TinyMCE completely should be the absolut minimum. Actual it is a shameful integration with less than minimum functions.

Also the Admin-descriptions also have typed in and saved minimum twice to take effects.

We customers want to work productively and not become the test subjects for the builder. So please make the builder function like before.

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 8 months ago #128610

Hello all,

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I will convey these issues to the team.

Would you please check the version 5.0.9 to see if it helps?

Best Regards

Jerome Wee
Accepted Answer
8 months ago #128617

Get a "Fail to download package" when using Joomla Extension Update to update to SPPB v5.0.9, had to download package from your website and manually install v5.0.9.

Same issue - cannot save Code editor changes in v5.0.9 either.

Also found your SP Cookie Consent accept button does not work if I update JCE MediaBox to v2.1.4 or higher. Clicking accept button does not close the popup, it just added "#" to the URL e.g. http://arf.com.sg/#