SP Page Builder is Combining SP Template With Joomla Default Template - Question | JoomShaper

SP Page Builder is Combining SP Template With Joomla Default Template


Federația Sindicatelor din Instituții de Cultură

SP Page Builder 10 months ago


So, I create a new page and I import a template from SP page builder. I save it and 2 problems apear:

  1. In frontend editor the SP page builder template is combined with elements from joomla default template (in this example cassiopeia) and also the menu location and style doesen't blend with the template style


  1. If I assign the page to a menu or in the preview window the background images disappear, the possitioning is wrong etc.


Practically, the template imported is not showing like the in the demo page: https://sppagebuilder.com/corporate-home


2 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 10 months ago #130833

Hi there!

Thanks for contacting us.

Actually you are using the default template from Joomla, so the header, footer patterns are coming from the template itself. SP Page Builder works within the component are, outside of the component area comes from the template.

Please use the Helix Ultimate template from us, which is free to use. Then you will get better visual experience.


Best Regards

Federația Sindicatelor din Instituții de Cultură
Accepted Answer
10 months ago #131196

Ok, i downloaded shaper-eventum template. I have another question:

Can I modify the page so that the banner and menu will be over the same picture wich continues a bit below the menu?

kind of like in the preview: https://www.joomshaper.com/joomla-templates/eventum
