Duplicated Modules Not Work - Question | JoomShaper

Duplicated Modules Not Work



SP Page Builder 9 months ago

Hello. When I duplicate a module, and I click on "edit with backend" the module not load. Page try load, but all page is white.

7 Answers
Accepted Answer
9 months ago #133650

Hello. I answer by myself. When I create a new page builder module, all is correct. I have 2 languages. I need modules in spanish and engilsh. As I said: When I create a new module with (all languages configuration) all is OK. But when I assign a language and try to Edit the module, the module not load. Page is white try loading.... I use bakcend editor. If I change to frontend editor, 404 page not found. I think is a problem from the ID when I change de languages. If I change to all languages configuration in that module created; not work too...

In this case is the FOOTER position module. As you can see you can see the footer spanish module, but not the english footer module: https://fuertetaxi.com/es https://fuertetaxi.com/en

Please help. Thank you very much.

Accepted Answer
9 months ago #133652

Hi. Content is not duplicated when duplicating the module. You should use export import options.


Accepted Answer
9 months ago #133653

Hello Pavel, Thank you for your answer. That is not the problem. I can not edit the module when I change the language module. The page try to load. Show the loading gifs and page is not load.

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 9 months ago #133850

Hello Ruben

Apology for the inconvenience. Please share your administrator access and your module name or id here to check the issue. Use the Hidden Content box to share the credentials. Make sure that you have a full site backup with you before sharing.

Best regards

Accepted Answer
9 months ago #134805

Hello. Sorry I am late. Today happen again. I explain: Create a module (page builder type). I change the language. Open the bakend edit. I change the language inside of item of page buider. I save; then save the module. When I want to open that module with the language changed just not open. You can see the last one I created "Footer (EN)". Please help. Thank you very much.

Accepted Answer
9 months ago #134816

Please do not use the modules id (158 and 159). That work fine because the language is changed in the module options. If I change the language in the page builder backend inside, that is the problem. After do that you will can not open the page builder backend module.

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 7 months ago #140977

It looks like a bug. It will be fixed in the next update. You can go frontend and then change language to all. Then backend editor will work.