EasyStore Sales Question Before Ordering - Question | JoomShaper

EasyStore Sales Question Before Ordering



EasyStore 2 months ago

I have a client with only a minimal amount of products, but more than 1 location. What he wants is for people to be able to purchase a product and during the checkout process, they could select the closest location where they can complete the order on the website. This way, they order the product (custom t-shirts) on the website, and select the closest location to them and that location would get an email about the order.

To simplify: They order a custom t-shirt, and during the checkout process, they can have a drop down or something where they select which location to use, but they checkout on client's website. This would then send the order to the client and to the client's other location.

To make this more detailed:

If client orders a shirt they can choose which location to pick that up from. It would then send the order to that location after checkout. They would have mulitple locations to choose from via a drop down.

2 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #149888

Hi there!

Thanks for reaching out to us.

If I get you right, you can add your desired shipping address during checkout: https://share.cleanshot.com/K3t9cNxM

But there is no default way to get address dropdowns in general.

Best Regards

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #151473

My question was not about shipping address. I've tried asking it a few ways and I'm not sure how to ask it... Visitors should be able to click a drop down, just like choosing how they want it shiupped (USPS, UPS, FEDEX). But in this case, the drop down would select local pickup locations.