Export Media From Test To Production Site - Question | JoomShaper

Export Media From Test To Production Site


Mark Hayden

SP Page Builder 3 years ago

I have built a new site on a test domain, and I know I can Copy it using something like Akeeba, but I have other Modules on the produciton site that would be hard to re-create.

I have transitioned to Helix Ultimate, and plan a manual setup for each page. There are not too many to do, so this is not a great challenge.

What I am struggling with is exporting the images. Is there a folder these are stored in that I can copy into the Production site ? or Is there a better way of transferring the media images we have uploaded to Test.

Thanks Mark

5 Answers
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 3 years ago #13794

Hi, yes - just copy and upload images from /images/ folder.

If you used SPPB Media to upload images - the folder is /images/2021/

Use FTP tool.

Mark Hayden
Accepted Answer
3 years ago #13890

Thanks for the answer. I copied the folders to the correct location, but none of the content is visible. Is there something necessary to do for the new location to recognise the files ? I checked the /images directory and can see the one new image I put in before I did the copy. And I used FileZilla to copy them.

I had images in /2020 and /2021 and none of them became visible in the Media section on the production site.

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 3 years ago #13942

Yes, I forgot to tell you about one thing. Their path is stored in the database of "old" website - in SPPB tabeles. That's why we always recommend using Akeeba Backup to migrate websites from A to B. Or at least use PHPMyAdmin to copy all SPPB tables from database A to B.

Anyway.... you still should be able to see them, but you have to make few clicks more. foto_6033_2021.jpg

And yes, all new uploaded images will apear in Media tab - like it was before.

So you can migrate database tables and have as it was before, or new beginning.

Mark Hayden
Accepted Answer
3 years ago #13944

Thanks I can see them using the Browse function, but having to delve into each sub folder is not going to work for the team of editors I have helping manage the new site. I will re-create them all manually, at least I now have all the images in the folders on my computer now, so I can upload them all again into the new visible folder. Appreciate the help. Mark

Mark Hayden
Accepted Answer
3 years ago #14067

Worth adding, while the images cannot be seen from the main Browser, you have to go delving into the sub folders, because the new installation does not know where the images are. The imported pages do know the folder locations, and have been able to use the old images, saving a lot of work. Thanks again.