SP Page Builder 5.2.9 - Wrong Link Inside The Text Block - Question | JoomShaper

SP Page Builder 5.2.9 - Wrong Link Inside The Text Block


Bruno Simões

SP Page Builder 4 months ago

When I add a link to a word or something using the link option inside the text block, choosing, for example, link to page, I select the option page, and after I insert the link, the code inserted is something like this: <a rel="" href="/70">Text</a> and this doesn't works and I get 404 error in the link after publishing the page.

6 Answers
Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 3 months ago #152919


Thanks for contacting us and sorry for your issue. Could you please give me a screencast video of your issue?


Bruno Simões
Accepted Answer
3 months ago #152958


In the hidden content you have a link to see the screencast video. Thanks

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 3 months ago #153060


Does that linked page "Cana....(CB...) - was added to menu before linking inside content?

Bruno Simões
Accepted Answer
3 months ago #153073


No, the page is not added to menu. The link give us three options (URL, menu and page). I undestand that if I choose page, I can add any page for example from a blog section.

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 3 months ago #153082

Probably that why you had issue, becuase to generate correct URL from page, you need to add that page to menu first (before). Then Joomla will generate correct alias.

But sure, we will check it.

Bruno Simões
Accepted Answer
3 months ago #153109

In that case, having the option Page doesn't make sense if you need to assign a page to the menu. For that already exists the option menu.