Table Span - Question | JoomShaper

Table Span

John Juhl

John Juhl

SP Page Builder 1 month ago

Hi guys, in tables, when setting column spans, isn't it 12 cells in total, divided by the number of columns? (ie: 12 cells - 4 columns, which could be divided into 4+2+2+4 as long as total number is 12) ?

When using these settings, my table is still not working with fixed column widths, but is jumping back and forth depending on content size (in the individual columns)


1 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #153334

Hi there!

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Would you please redirect me to the table you are talking about to see the issue live? It wll help us to understand the problem better.

Best Regards