Helix3 Template - Off Canvas Menu Collapses At Every Closing - Question | JoomShaper

Helix3 Template - Off Canvas Menu Collapses At Every Closing


Laurent Robin

Template 2 months ago

I'm using the Helix3 template and i have an issue with the offcanvas menu. Issue 1. Parent menu item on root allways handled as a menu heading. On megamenu i have a link there which is not visible on offcanvas. Issue 2. When i expand a menu item with subitems and click on a subitem all works correctly as expected. But when i open the offcanvas menu again, the whole menu is collapsed again. The Menu should keep expanded and at least have the same state it had before i get closed.

A fix would be greatly appreciated.

2 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #153340

Hi there!

Thanks for reaching out to us.

  1. If you do not want it as menu heading, you can change the menu item type as URL and put a hash(#) in the URL field if the menu heading menu item doesn't have any link. Them it might show in offcanvas menu also. However, I could not find the menu item you mentioned though.
  2. I think this is expected behavior, as the redirection reloads the page, hence changed the state back to the start. If you want to change this default behavior then it might request code customization even if this is possible, and customization support is prohibited here.

However, you may try to use bredcrumb, so that the navigation tracker is visible to you right there, if it suits you and serves your purposes.

Best Regards

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #153389

Thanks for accepting the answer:)

Have a nice day!