Footer Edits - Question | JoomShaper

Footer Edits


Michael McDonald

SP Page Builder 1 month ago


I wanted to shoot you a quick query about some issues I've been facing with the copyright customization in the footer section Helix Ultimate framework.

Basically, I've been trying to tweak the copyright text in the footer of my website, but I hit a roadblock. I tried to move it to the far right, but the options provided just weren't cutting it. The "bottom 4" option fails to position it to the far right. To be precise, if you were to inquire about the desired placement of the footer, I would suggest that, given the current options, utilizing "footer 2" would be ideal. However, instead of placing it on the second line, I prefer it to be on the first line. Can you also let me know if there is an option to edit the font syle and size in the footer?

Think you could get your technical team to look into this? It would be awesome to have more flexibility with these customization options. I have attached the screenshots for the reference.

If you are using CSS or custom code can please also write a description of where you have added the script?

Thanks a bunch for your help. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon!!

1 Answers
Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #153829

Hello Michael McDonald

Sorry, I could not get what you want. Please share me the site link with footer and let me know which you want to position where. Basically, you have to go to Template Options -> Layout and use the position footer1, footer2 or whatever you want at any place. On Template Options -> Presets, you can turn on Custom Style and change footer font color. For additional changes, you have to use Custom CSS targeting footer class.

Best regards