Previewing Sp Page Builder Pages Not Working - Question | JoomShaper

Previewing Sp Page Builder Pages Not Working



SP Page Builder 3 months ago

Hello, I just installed SP Page Builder Pro on a new site, I have a license for it and I had being using your component for some projects now.

I have a problem with previewing any page I create with my live site. Everytime I want to see a live preview, everything goes normally until I can't see any of the SP Page Builder Blocks I had being adding to my page.

I can see my actual landing page or index.php but no sp page builder blocks appear.

I am using Helix Ultimate Framework for creating my template, and I had no problem in other sites with this, so I don't know why I can't preview any blocks I add.

Can you help me out or direct on what I am doing wrong? The only way to see the actual preview of what I am desingning is to create a page (joomla menu item) and then select a SP Page Builder Page, then navigate to the appropriate URL and reload again.

It seems like if there is no preview working at all, only if I save and publish the page through joomla menu item.

Can it be something with template positions? or perhaps css class?

Please let me know if you can help me beacuse it is very frustrating to design this way.

6 Answers
Accepted Answer
3 months ago #154420

sorry if I join in I noticed a problem with the preview for pages or articles with the English language set (from Italy) because the content is shown in an Italian language body (top menu in Italian language) I imagine it's the same thing for foreign pages of any language. it's a bug?

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 3 months ago #154890

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this oversight. To better address the issue, could you kindly provide Joomla administrator access? This will enable me to thoroughly investigate the matter and provide you with a prompt resolution.

I appreciate your cooperation and will ensure to get back to you as soon as possible.

Note: Can you share a screencast video about the full scenario?

Best regards,

Toufiqur Rahman (Team Lead, Support)

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #157034

Ok I already figured out.

Sorry but It took so long for your support.

We are working on a growing site and we had to figured out ourselves.

Now everything si working in this site, nevertheless; I do have a problem in other domain we are using PAGE BUILDER. I will open a new ticket to see if you guys can help me.

Thanks anyway for reaching out.

Kind regards,

Moches Mexico Cituy

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 months ago #157071

Glad to know that your issue has been solved by yourself. Thanks

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #157081

SPPB suffers from another problem that I have not yet reported: the preview does not work if it concerns a page in (for example) English and your browser is in Italian (or another) language... I noticed this because the menu that appears above is in Italian instead of English (the page is shown without the contents) The preview only works after exiting SPPB, viewing the preview from Joomla editor (backend), then returning to SPPB the preview is displayed normally. Check please if you (team) want...

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 months ago #157084