CSS Bug - Confliction - Question | JoomShaper

CSS Bug - Confliction



Template 2 months ago

I use themis template and page builder.

This template is conflicting with hikashop affiliate program. It is hiding the yes/no css as you can see in this picture (which is insdei of my website) https://ibb.co/dP5dhVQ

They told me: " Normally, the yes / no should have some style. It seems that the CSS of your template is interfering with the display of the yes / no there. your template is interfering with the display of the yes / no there".

Where is the css spesifically tha conflic with the hikashop css style?

10 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #156628

Hi there!

Sorry for your experience.

Would you please give me the exact page URL, where I can found the affiliate yes/no options?

Best Regards

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #156667

Thanks for your reply! Hikaschop told me:

"1. He can click on the "yes" button" and then the "apply" button on your screenshot 1 in order to become an affiliate.

  1. The yes/no buttons on your website are not displaying properly because your template is missing CSS for the radios. It's basically the same issue as this: https://www.hikashop.com/support/forum/2-general-talk-about-hikashop/908144-privacy-consent/360896.html"

You can see the hikashop affiliate program on this page: https://www.rules-chess-strategies.com/en/affiliate-program-advertising-en/affiliate-program // Note you should be a registered and loged in user to see it. I'm giving you all you need below.

a) If you fix this css issue could you please inform me where and what you added?

b) I suggest you to update it on the Themis, or other templates, if it is posible.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #156999

Hello Rashida Rahman, Did you checked the issue? thanks in advance

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #157028


Thanks for the information.

Should I go through the affiliate program sign up page there? I can't reach the link:


It requires a lot of sensitive information, many of which I do not have any valid things to fill out. Can you allow me, with a valid user account, to directly access the problematic page?

Best Regards

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #157033

Please accept my apologies! I activate the user (that I'm giving the credentials below). If you log in to the website then you can see the affiliate page = https://www.rules-chess-strategies.com/en/students-profile-lessons-en/profile/affiliate In this the radio no yes isn't working correctly.

I have another page for not affiliates = https://www.rules-chess-strategies.com/en/affiliate-program-advertising-en/affiliate-program-sign-up Indeed I'm asking a lot of information because the greek govemnent asks for them... There is no need for you add anything personal because I gave you below the access of a test user that already activated as an affiliate.

So, when you log in please visite this page: https://www.rules-chess-strategies.com/en/students-profile-lessons-en/profile/affiliate

I'd like to hide the registration page = https://www.rules-chess-strategies.com/en/affiliate-program-advertising-en/affiliate-program-sign-up if someone is an active affiliate. I didn't manage to do it. Definatly it's not a support task but if you have any quick ideas I'll be glad to hear.

Thanks for your support, Angelo

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #157267

Hello Rashida Rahman,

Were you able to check this issue? Do you need any extra help from my side?

Thanks in advance,

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #157418

Hello Rashida Rahman,

Were you able to check this issue? Do you need any extra help from my side?

Thanks in advance, Angelo

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #157691

Hello @Rashida @Rahman,

Were you able to check this issue? Do you need any extra help from my side?

Thanks in advance, Angelo

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #158177


Sorry for such long delay.

Still I could not reach to your given link with the new credentials. I have tried with old credentials also:

Please check the screenshot: https://share.cleanshot.com/hVVpfSR1

Best Regards

Accepted Answer
1 week ago #162215

Hello Rashida Rahman, How are you doing? Do you remeber this issue? I'm sharing a website account below which is on affiliate program. You will be able to log in into back end and front end. When you log in and go to this page: https://www.rules-chess-strategies.com/en/user-profile-en/affiliate

This template is conflicting with hikashop affiliate program. It is hiding the yes/no css as you can see in this picture (which is insdei of my website) https://ibb.co/nf8Xq74

Could you please take a look?

Thanks in advance, Angelo