Carrusel Pro With Joomla Module Displaying At 100% Width Instead Of 3 Columns - Question | JoomShaper

Carrusel Pro With Joomla Module Displaying At 100% Width Instead Of 3 Columns



SP Page Builder 2 months ago

Hello there, I am using SP Page Builder Pro on a new site (I have an active account and domain for that).

This is my problem... I want to know if you can guide me through a possible solution:

I want to create a Carrusel Pro from Page Builder to place it on a given position in my joomla template. I am using HelixFramework and already created the appropriate position for the sppagebuilder module, "ldgr-carrusel".

When I try the module on my template I can see at 100% width, but not as a 3 column carrusel. I already changed this on the carrusel pro features to 3 columns.

Am I missing something perhaps on pagebuilder or should I work around it with css? becasue eventhough I tried other columns totals, 6, 12 and 4 it alwasy shows only one itme at 100%.

Checked my template and is not a template problem, but I did changed the css to test if I can do the turn around and at my developers tools it seems I can do so, but when I update my CSS, the carrusel is presenting each item at 100% width.

Should I try the css fix inside the sppage builder carrusel pro styles?

Why is this happening since in the carrusel pro I already have the columns options to manage how many items to show at once, which in my case I want them to be only 3, hence, the 3 columns.

Can you help me with this issue without taking 1 week to anser?

Thanks in advance for your help.

5 Answers
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 months ago #157113

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this oversight. Can you produce the same issue on this site? It would good to understand your issue.

I appreciate your cooperation and will ensure to get back to you as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Toufiqur Rahman (Team Lead, Support)

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #157413

Hello, thankyou for your response.

I already did. You can see my Carrousel at your ABOUT page.

I created a SP PAGE BUILDER MODULE, added a test-carrousel positon. Then on the helix tamplate I added a new layout secction only for the ABOUT US page, so my Carrousel Test will only be displayed in your ABOUT US page.

Please look at it at the ABOUT page.

Please notice that the carrousel is 100% width, and you can see that the items (from 1 to 9) are all a 3column width items. But as you can see, only 1 item is rendered on the carrousel each time. But I want at least othe 2 o 3 items filling the 100% of the carrousel, so I can see at least 3 items at a glance.

As you can see, you have a MEET THE TEAM section, with 3 images. I want to be able to see my carrousel as least as that.

So can you help me to figure it out why I can´t fill the carrousel with the remaingin items?

Should I have to tweak the css with a flex? or how can y place my other items to appear in the carrousel?

Thanks for your time, please let me know if you can help or point me in a direction to solve this.

By the way, My items are made with custom HTML, and custom CSS which I have no problem with that.

Kind Regards,


Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 months ago #157430

You should use Image Carousel addon instead of Carousel Pro addon. Cause, the Carousel pro addon cloumn option added for content & image column.

Image Carousel

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #157540

Ok thanks, I will try right now. If I have any problem I will come back for further instructions but thanks for your support.

Kind Regards Noe

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 months ago #157596

You are most welcome & Thanks