Update PB 5 Offered Although Pagebuilder 3 And Not Pagebuilder Next Set - Question | JoomShaper

Update PB 5 Offered Although Pagebuilder 3 And Not Pagebuilder Next Set


Peter Klinke

SP Page Builder 1 month ago

Yesterday we was PB 3.8.10 core updated instead of PRO, why ever.

So I have installed PB 3.8.10 PRO again. But now PB 5 is offered for update. Update to PB 5 is actually not possible because of the server has still mySQL 5.7. Documentation says that mySQL 8 is needed.

So I am afraid that the user selects the update for PB 5 which will result in errors.

How can I solve this?

3 Answers
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #159273

Hi Peter,

if you're afraid that site owner can click update without asking you first. Just disable update path:

  1. In Joomla Admin Update Sites : /administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=updatesites
  2. Find SP Page Builder and change Status from Enabled to Disabled
  3. You can also remove him Access to Update section in Joomla or remove license key in SPPB Settings.
Peter Klinke
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #159287

but why does Joomla now ignore the setting ?

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #159309

Joomla Thing.