Create Anchor Link With Hyphen/minus Symbol - Question | JoomShaper

Create Anchor Link With Hyphen/minus Symbol



SP Page Builder 1 month ago

Hi, Whenever I try to create an achnor-link with a hyphen/minus sign (-), the link gets cut right after the #-symbol.

So for example when I enter #ft-open as a href, it shows, rather than

Is basically comes down to the usage of a minus-symbol in the anchor link.

How do I create anchor-links with minus-symbols?

Using J5.1.1 and SPPB 5.3.2.


4 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #159322


Thanks for reaching out.

Please check the steps carefully:

If you want to link a section of the same page, you may follow this:

  1. Give ROW/Section name in field: Section ID

For example: testSectionName

Remember no # or space between, only "-" if you really need to

  1. In menu item > External URL type > #testSectionName If you want to link a section of a different page, you have to try using the whole URL with http(s),

For example:

NOTE: I think you did not complete the URL. I have just tried at my end and succeeded with hyphen symble.

Hope this helps!

Best Regards

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #159328


Thanks for your response. However, i am not trying to link to a section, but trying to invoke an external JavaScript that triggers some action. That all works fine, unless you’re trying to link to a #something with a hyphen in it, in this case #ft-open.

I dont want to put in a full url, since then the button won’t work on any page I put it on.

In this case it’s maybe Pagebuilder doing a little bit too much “thinking” for me, which I don’t want it to do. I simply want to be able to put any hashtag-something in that field without Pagebuilder deciding for me if I did it right. ;-)

I also tried creating a menu item (external url) and linking to that through the menu link option, but the same thing happens. (Although it works fine in the menu, so it really is Pagebuilder interfering).

Is there another way of doing this without using raw html or something? Preferably i just want Pagebuilder to trust me with what i'm doing ;-)

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #159345

So where did you create the link and from where you call?

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #159349


I have just created a Button with a Link, please see the attached image.

However, in the site everything after the # is stripped off.

Edit: just to clarify: what that then actually does/invokes on my site isn't really relevant. The question is rather simple: why am I able to put in #ftOpen, but not #ft-open. This to me seems like either a bug or in another way unintentional behaviour.