W3c Validation - Question | JoomShaper

W3c Validation


Athena Maliora

SP Page Builder 3 years ago

Hello. We are using Pagebuilder and joomshaper templates for many years. Now, we are facing huge problems. Since many websites in Greece are funded by EU funds w3c validation and webaim compliancy are needed.

Webaim is ok. W3c though gets many errors (more than 60) that is impossible to correct. I need to know if there will be at least 1 or 2 templates compliant and if there will be an update in SP pagebuilder to correct these errors. On our site we had to change framework, something i didnt want to do since it was just upadted and beautiful, to be compliant. We will have many problems with upcoming clients and really like your framework and templates. If compliance is not something you will make we must know to not showcase your templates to clients. Thank you in advance for your time.

2 Answers
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 3 years ago #2055

Hi, without deep code modyfications it's not possible to correct many of those warnings. Sorry. We will try to make the upcoming Helix Ultimate 2.0 better in that area.

Athena Maliora
Accepted Answer
3 years ago #2058

Ok. They are not warnings, but errors. Warnings are not a problem. It is a pitty. thank you.