Shaper_shopin Template Breaks When LESS Option is On - Question | JoomShaper

Shaper_shopin Template Breaks When LESS Option is On


Carme Pujol

Template 3 years ago


We just bought the shaper_shopin template and we need to turn the 'Compile LESS to CSS' option off in order to not break the front-end website. The problem comes when we want to make changes into the Presets style and we need to use the less files. How can we do it so we can make changes in one of the styles already set by the template?

Many thanks in advance. carme.

4 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 3 years ago #3146

Hi there!

Sorry for the inconvenience! Yes, there is a conflict arises... Please turn off the 'Compile LESS to CSS' for now!

Hopefully next release includes a solution to this.

You can use custom css to make changes. the following blog post may help you:

Best Regards

Carme Pujol
Accepted Answer
3 years ago #2901

Any ideas?

How can we make changes using the Less files?

It doesn't matter the changes we do in the template (through administrator, Presets) because Less option is not working.

Any help would be appreciated, please.

Carme Pujol
Accepted Answer
3 years ago #2459


We get the following error:

Error 0 / is undefined: /mnt/web305/e0/65/51966365/htdocs/joomla_04/templates/shaper_shopin/less/master.less on line 14

Regards, carme.

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 3 years ago #2377

Hi there!!

Would you please explain the problem? I mean the issue details that you face when the 'Compile LESS to CSS' option is on.

Best Regards