Helix Ultimate - Question | JoomShaper

Helix Ultimate

Marc Dechèvre

Marc Dechèvre

Template 3 years ago


I just discover that in front-end editing, the Select button for IntroImage and FullImage opens a popup... with a 404 error page.

Note: with SEF enabled or disabled, the link of the Select Image button is the following /&fieldid=jform_images_image_intro&folder=

(note: if I look at the url of the page, it is something like that : /&fieldid=jform_images_image_intro&folder= )

How comes? Can you please provide quicky a fix ?


2 Answers
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 3 years ago #3760

Hi there,

Thanks for contacting us. Sorry for the inconvenince. We will fix it Helix ultimate version 2.0.


Marc Dechèvre
Marc Dechèvre
Accepted Answer
3 years ago #3241

Oh gosh, that issue was already there two years ago and was never fixed (or was fixed and was reverted by accident).

Here is the fix : https://www.joomlacontenteditor.net/support/forum/97604-jce-file-browser-shows-404-error-in-frontend-edit

Can you pls apply it in the next release? Txs for confirming!