List Style - Question | JoomShaper

List Style



SP Page Builder 3 years ago


I'm having a couple of issues with a bulleted list. If the text is so long that it no longer fits on one line, then it jumps to the next line and begins below the point instead of starting slightly indented there.

I tried with "list-style-position: outside;" (in source text html and css) but it does not accept it. I even tried to change the main css file template.css, but nothing happens.

I use the shaper-spectrum template.

Would be very happy if someone could help me.

1 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 3 years ago #3283

Hi there!

Would you please give me your site URL here, and redirect me where you have the issue? Additionally, sreencast/screenshot would be better.

Best Regards