How to remove animation from slideshow | LightBox - Documentation | JoomShaper


Updated Last: 20 March 2023

How to remove animation from slideshow

If you want to remove animation effect after mouse hover from slideshow on Home Page you have to edit main.js file from template folder(templates/shaper_lightbox/js/), from where remove the code from line 274-28.

    //Slideshow fullwidth Animation
    $('.sppb-slide-item-bg.sppb-slideshow-fullwidth-item-bg').on('mousemove', function (e) {
        var amountMovedX = (e.pageX * -1 / 50);
        var amountMovedY = (e.pageY * -1 / 10);
            'background-position': amountMovedX + 'px ' + amountMovedY + 'px'

This part of code have to be deleted or commented. Please remember about this modification before next template update.