Content Plugins are Not Triggered - Question | JoomShaper

Content Plugins are Not Triggered



SP Page Builder 3 years ago

Hi, when I create pages with SPBuilder and try to trigger content plugins like "Table Of Contents CK" they are not working. The support of this plugin told me to ask you why content plugins are not triggered.

I tried to use raw html, modules etc.

11 Answers
Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 3 years ago #8157

Hello Stefan

Please share a screenshot of your issue to understand it better.

Best regards

Rafael Alvarez
Accepted Answer
2 years ago #48389

Hi Ofi

I am having the same issue, for example with easyfolderlisting

Inside a joomla article you can execute the plugin or module like this:


or module


Modules works Ok cause you can insert direcly a module when addin line to the SP Page, but I did not found how trigger plugins.

I tried with a "raw html" and "text" line blocks, but did not worked.

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 years ago #48413

Sorry, there is no way in our products to trigger the plugin. You may check this documentation for better understanding.

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 years ago #48422


I tried with a "raw html" and "text" line blocks but did not worked.

I am not suprised, becuase we informed about this, also in documenation.

Anyway. Yes, it's still possible. You have two options, one of them was described in our documenation (tip #10 "How to use shortcodes..."):

2nd option is using unoffcial addon (Shortcodes) I can share link.

Rafael Alvarez
Accepted Answer
2 years ago #48456

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your response. Yes I saw you mention and looks NOT officially supported.

Anyways, could you share the link ?

We were working in the past with Yootheme and have no problem triggering plugins at their templates. I hope you will support this in future developments officially.

Best Regards

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 years ago #48503

Download file, unzip and upload folder here: components\com_sppagebuilder\addons


Rafael Alvarez
Accepted Answer
2 years ago #48532

Hi Paul

Thanks, we will take a look.

Will you consider to support it in the future ?

Best Regards

Accepted Answer
1 year ago #75519

Sorry, there is no way in our products to trigger the plugin

This is false. I have the solution here : ( and please, SP Page Builder Team, pls integrate the solution in your addons - It's actually really simple )

Instruction : The adjustment - for in this example the "Text Block"-Addon- is made my the following small adjustment : You can add that adjustment yourself - without overriding core files - by creating an override in your template, in this example by copying the original addon text_block ( the whole folder ) into /templates/YOURTEMPLATE/sppagebuilder/addons/text_block

Then simply change the lines ( ca. line 29+ ) from :

        $output  = '<div class="sppb-addon sppb-addon-text-block' . $dropcapCls . ' ' . $alignment . ' ' . $class . '">';
        $output .= ($title) ? '<'.$heading_selector.' class="sppb-addon-title">' . $title . '</'.$heading_selector.'>' : '';
        $output .= '<div class="sppb-addon-content">';
        $output .= $text;
        $output .= '</div>';
        $output .= '</div>';

        return $output;


        $output  = '<div class="sppb-addon sppb-addon-text-block' . $dropcapCls . ' ' . $alignment . ' ' . $class . '">';
        $output .= ($title) ? '<'.$heading_selector.' class="sppb-addon-title">' . $title . '</'.$heading_selector.'>' : '';
        $output .= '<div class="sppb-addon-content">';
        // Apply content plugins : 
                $params = new JObject();
                $jarticle = new stdClass();
                $jarticle->text = $text;
                $dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();
                $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('text', &$jarticle, &$params, 0));
                $text = $jarticle->text;
        $output .= $text;
        $output .= '</div>';
        $output .= '</div>';

        return $output;

And voilà, there you go :-) Content-Plugins will now be rendered as they should.

Hope that helps someone

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 year ago #75568

Hi Lab5,

Big Thanks, indeed using shortcodes directly inside Text addon it's a good idea, for sure I will ask our Dev team.

Uwe Remmel
Accepted Answer
9 months ago #122450

Hi lab5, that looks fine but I get the following error message when I use the additional code in the addon text_block

Class "JEventDispatcher" not found

Have you an idea to solve that.

Thanks a lot in advance Uwe

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 9 months ago #122530

We don't have Events Booking component to make tests :(

if "JEventDispatcher" was from it.