Offseting An Article Query - Question | JoomShaper

Offseting An Article Query


Miskolczi Tamás

SP Page Builder 1 year ago

I'm trying to offset an article query.

On my image, you can see two article layout addons and an Ad addon. In other words I'd like to insert an Ad module after the second post.

But if use a second article layout addon, it will just start counting from the beginning again, thus leaving me with duplicates.

I'd like to offset the second article addon, to start from the 3rd post. Is it possible? If not, can you suggest an alternative method to insert to the ad module inside the news flow?

(I'm using newsberg template)

1 Answers
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 year ago #111385

Hi there,

I appreciate you reaching out. I sincerely apologize for this oversight. Is it possible to share an screenshot that you want to do exactly?
