Feature Box Height - Question | JoomShaper

Feature Box Height


Charles Southgate

SP Page Builder 11 months ago

Is there a way to set a row of feature boxes to the height of the biggest feature box (but still let them revert to their true height when viewed in a column on a mobile)?

7 Answers
Accepted Answer
11 months ago #117934

First, you need to configure and know the number of columns in the section. Only after that you can write a code

Doesn't matter.

The same for adding class to section and addon's margin-bottom to 0.

Here is a universal code for SPPB 3

.feature-box-grid div[class*="sppb-col-"] {
    margin-bottom: 30px;
.feature-box-grid :is(
    .sppb-addon-content) {
        height: 100%;
Charles Southgate
Accepted Answer
11 months ago #117933

This is super helpful! Thank you.

I am using SPPB 3 though...

Would it be possible to show me how to do this for SPPB 3 please?

Accepted Answer
11 months ago #117927

Hi. In this case, you sould use only Feature Box addons in the section or in the inner section (without any other addons).

Add your own class to the section.

Set margin-bottom to 0 in Feature Box addons.

And use following code: (for SPPB-4, SPPB-5 Beta)

.feature-box-grid .sppb-row-column {
    margin-bottom: 30px;
.feature-box-grid .sppb-row-column :is(
    .sppb-addon-content) {
        height: 100%;

Result This is the basic code. Perhaps additional code will be required depending on your layout. For example, if you want to use a button inside Feature Box Addon and that it sticks to the bottom.

For SPPB 3 the code will be different. First, you need to configure and know the number of columns in the section. Only after that you can write a code

Charles Southgate
Accepted Answer
11 months ago #117925

Thanks for this. I can see how it would work, but I am hoping to avoid having to manually set the min-height.

What I was looking for was a solution that would change dynamically with the volume of content in the largest feature box.
eg I use a row of four feature boxes frequently. Each row contains different content. I was hoping to be able to give the row a generic class name (eg "row4") and each column in the row another generic class name (eg "column4"). Perhaps I would also need to give each feature box add-on a generic class name too "eg "column-content")

Then I wanted to be able to create a custom css file which would always handle the situation whenever the two class names were applied.

Something like this, but not eactly this because it doesn't work!

.row4 { display: flex; }

.column4 { flex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column; border: 1px solid #000; box-sizing: border-box; }

.column-content { flex-grow: 1; }

Is that possible?

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 11 months ago #117919

Sure @Charles - here is basic CSS example:

@media screen and (min-width: 860px) {
.sppb-addon-feature .sppb-media-content {
  min-height: 270px;
  outline: 1px solid red;}

Below CSS red outline is only to show changed area. You can delete it after test with correct height value. outline: 1px solid red;

remember that two } } must be used (!) at the end.


Charles Southgate
Accepted Answer
11 months ago #117915

Any snippets you can offer would be helpful.

Accepted Answer
11 months ago #117912

Hi. Only custom css coding