Scrolling - Question | JoomShaper



clements radenborg

SP Page Builder 2 years ago

Hi, I've built my website with Pagebuilder 3.7.15 and Joomla 4.0.3.

I notice on my homepage that scrolling is not working smoothly. I have to slide twice or more, sometimes in Chrome it is not possible at all to scroll or the page runs down by itself, especially in Inspect-mode.

It only occurs only on the homepage. Both on my mac as on my iPHone. and with multiple browsers as well. I've already tried to disable the rows one by one, but no result. I've also switched of lazy loading to see if that was what was causing this, but with no result.

I'm out of ideas, any help is highly appreciated.

8 Answers
Accepted Answer
2 years ago #38666

Hi. The problem causes the lowest, empty section in SP PB. Remove it.

How it is now:

After deleting:

Tip: Do not use margins in the first level sections if you definitely do not know what it leads. It is not correct and can cause overflows. Use paddings

Accepted Answer
2 years ago #38667

And this is not quite a good code to press the footer to the bottom.

You have nerd something with position fixed of addon in first section and tried to fix footer with a crutch. Your footer fix causes more problems than decides.

The whole complex of these solutions should be revised and making it different.

In general, the page has many other things that are crooked and require correction. All this accumulates errors in the layout and leads to unpredictable consequences.

clements radenborg
Accepted Answer
2 years ago #38676

Hi Pavel,

Thank you, it solved the problem! I'll dive into the code further to smoothen it, buit since I'm no developer as you may have noticed, I'm struggeling a bit. What I want is just the first section to stand until the second section completely covers it. Is there another way to achieve this?

Thanks again, Clements

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 years ago #38683

Hello clements radenborg

I am glad that your issue is solved. Thanks for accepting the proper answer.

As always, thanks to Pavel for help.

Best regards

Accepted Answer
2 years ago #38688

What I want is just the first section to stand until the second section completely covers it. Is there another way to achieve this?

Remove your code for addon fixed position, first section z-index and footer. Set the fixed height for the first section.

Set margin-top in second section equal to the height of the first section.

Add class name to the first section something like first-screen

Use following code

.first-screen {
    position: fixed !important;
    top: 0;
#sp-footer {
    position: relative;
    z-index: 1;

Set padding-top in first section to сompensate Header height. If required for mobile devices, change the height of the first section and margin-top in second section.

clements radenborg
Accepted Answer
2 years ago #38696

Wow! Thank you for the help! Much appreciated.

clements radenborg
Accepted Answer
2 years ago #38705

Hi Pavel, Works like a charm!

Accepted Answer
2 years ago #38737

You are wellcome