Accessibilty Failure - Question | JoomShaper

Accessibilty Failure



Template 2 years ago

Hello, I have a site https:/// and it fails in Achecker . The results are:

1.4 Distinguishable: Make it easier for users to see and hear content including separating foreground from background.

Success Criteria 1.4.4 Resize text (AA)

Check 117: i (italic) element used. Repair: Replace your i elements with em or strong. Error Line 6962, Column 197:

<i class="open-icon fa fa-angle-down"></i>

The same appears for another 7 same icons.

Also it shows a problem only in Greek (default language):

4.1 Compatible: Maximize compatibility with current and future user agents, including assistive technologies.

Success Criteria 4.1.1 Parsing (A)

Check 185: id attribute is not unique. Repair: Modify the id attribute value so it is unique. Error Line 1852, Column 5:

<body class="site com-sppagebuilder view-page no-layout no-task itemid-847 el-gr ltr sticky-header ...(hikashop_module_180)

Does anyone know how to pass those fails?

Thank you in advance!

4 Answers
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 years ago #39067

Hi, those are not only software problems but editors & webmaster settings. For example first part where is says about: font size, used italic in text and color contrast.

About "Check 185" - I am not sure what is wrong.

In general fixing website according to accessiblity rules is beyond our support, it takes long hours to check and correct everything according to results of popular testers like Achecker and Wave. It's time-consuming and costly process.

Accepted Answer
2 years ago #39075

Do you know in which php file are the symbols "i class="open-icon fa fa-angle-down" of the off canvas menu? As the "i class=facebook is in social.php, "i-class=envelope is in contact.php etc... In order to change it in span class as I arlready did in social and contact icons.

Thank you!

Accepted Answer
2 years ago #39077

Found the answer... the i class icons of the off canvas menu were in the five php files at Home directory/ html/ mod_menu

I just replaced the i class with span class and it passed this obstacle at the Achecker...

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 years ago #39104

Compare to old Helix3 a new Helix Ultimate 2.0 is much more Accessibility friendly out the box and will be even more in next, upcoming updates.


Helix3 will get Joomla 4 support around end of the year. But it will be only compatibility (technical) update, no new features.