SP Page Builder 2.0 Alpha 2 is now available - JoomShaper

SP Page Builder 2.0 Alpha 2 is now available

28 September 2016
Hits 16,941
4 min read
SP Page Builder 2.0 Alpha 2 is now available

We’ve released the first alpha of your beloved SP Page Builder version 2.0 back on September 9. On that day, we also announced a release timeline to demonstrate the total roadmap to the final stable version of the tool. We are working hard here, and today we’re more than happy to release the SP Page Builder 2.0 Alpha 2.

As promised, the second alpha version of SP Page Builder 2.0 gets some amazing improvements and feature updates. Also, a bunch of new functionalities has been added to the component. Let’s take a closer look inside the SP Page Builder 2.0 Alpha 2.

First thing first. This alpha version is at the primary development stage of the tool and thus not ready for production sites. We highly appreciate your interest in SP Page Builder 2.0. Today’s (28th September 2016) alpha release is only for testing purpose, so DON’T use it on a production site.

Okay, it’s time to see what are the goodies in the SP Page Builder 2.0 Alpha 2.

Joomla Article Support

We've made the latest test version of the tool compatible with Joomla articles. It's a revolutionary feature which you get ONLY on SP Page Builder 2.0 beginning Alpha 2. It lets you add, edit and organize native Joomla articles directly using the Page Builder. Here you will be able to enjoy our extremely useful drag-and-drop functionalities to apply your creativity on Joomla articles.


An extraordinary feature has been added to the SP Page Builder 2.0 Alpha 2. Starting from this alpha version, the Page Builder will support third-party addons that are made for the component. That means, developers can now create addons for our page builder tool and sell/distribute these addons as plugins for SP Page Builder. It creates a huge opportunity for the developers to utilize the great user-base of SP Page Builder and make money from exclusive plugins for the tool. 

Improved Media Manager

The integrated media manager inside the SP Page Builder 2.0 Alpha 2 is improved from the previous version. There is a significant UI redesign. Now you can upload or delete multiple media items at once. 

Pages List Redesign

Pages list view interface has been redesigned to look better make more conveniently manageable. There are several filters to apply and find your desired pages list in a snap.

Addons Update

We've updated all addons inside the component using the latest Page Builder coding standards. Inline CSS has been removed and plugin compatibility has also been added. Module addon is back! All known HTML validation issues have been fixed. If you face any such issue in future, please let us know and we will fix them as soon as possible. 

Some more improvements include:

  • CSS Issue Fixed: In the previous alpha version, there was an issue with loading CSS on the frontend, which has been fixed. 
  • Inline CSS Removed: Inline CSS has been removed from rows, columns and addon settings. It makes your site load faster and more search engine friendly than before. 

Hope you will like the second alpha version of SP Page Builder 2.0. Now let’s recall the release timeline of the tool.

  1. 09 September 2016 → SP Page Builder 2.0 Alpha 1
  2. 28 September 2016 → SP Page Builder 2.0 Alpha 2 (Joomla article support + Extensibility)
  3. 10 October 2016 → SP Page Builder 2.0 Beta (Frontend editing)
  4. 20 October 2016 → SP Page Builder 2.0 RC (Bug fix)
  5. 30 October 2016 → SP Page Builder 2.0 stable (Lot more new features)

Try it today on your test site or localhost and don’t forget to provide us feedback so we can make it even better. Thanks in advance. Happy developing!

Installation Tip

This version of SP Page Builder Alpha release will work ONLY on fresh Joomla installations. So make sure that your test ground site has a fresh installation. 

I swear I will not use it on a production/live website.

Download Now

Arafat Bin Sultan

Arafat Bin Sultan

Arafat is a tech-enthusiast with a keen interest in space, photography, and video making.
7 years ago
Gorgeous and excellent work thank you
Rifat Wahid Alif
Rifat Wahid Alif
7 years ago
Thanks :)
7 years ago
Joomla Article Support is cool, but what the future will support k2?
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
Will be available in beta version :)
7 years ago
What will support multilingual sites
GrandoStyle Group Kft.
GrandoStyle Group Kft.
7 years ago
Awesome and excelent work! We wait it... :)
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
7 years ago
I want to help the Japanese localization but Do you use the ··· transifex or crowdin?
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
We will share translation project after the stable release.
Lucas Selbach
Lucas Selbach
7 years ago
Excellent work!

Suggestion: include CROP and RESIZE in the media management.
It works with youtube videos??
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
Maybe in future :)
7 years ago
Please, please, please put a much more powerful picture editor in there. Or better still, please support JCE Editor. Right now I have to code every margin, very zoom, etc.
That would be the best possible thing you could do.
7 years ago
I also think the support of the jce must be present in the page builder sp 2
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
Okay, we will try to add JCE editor but that will be a challenge ;)
7 years ago
A real gallery for photos where you don't have to paste thumbnails for every shot using the sluggish media viewer would be great as well. Or better still, support for Simpe Image Gallery pro.
Again, thanks, Bob
Paco Guio
Paco Guio
7 years ago
Much work to real lack. I try and I tell you my impressions. a greeting;)
Paco Guio
Paco Guio
7 years ago
Much remains to be done:
- I do not understand as yet can not be translated into Spanish some parts of the component, being the third most spoken language in the world and the second most used on the Internet.
- The WYSIWYG editor that bring supplements is very poor, because it forces you to have to waste time on code. A shutdown can be good that could use the chosen at that time with Joomla! (Tiny, JCE, etc.) would be tremendous productivity
- Several things still do not work, I understand that is an alpha version: Import JSON files, Row option, load templates, etc.
You go poo good way, I hope you to take into consideration my suggestions because it is something that many joomlers ask my environment, I belong to Joomla! Madrid and I am very active in the Hispanic community Joomla !, and I'm constantly relacción with many lovers CMS and Joomshaper.
A hug
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
1. 100% language support will be available before that stable release.
2. Well, the main objective of the Page Builder is to use visual options and not to use an editor. Btw, we will try to add Joomla native editors support.
3. Will be fixed.

Thanks for your suggestions.
7 years ago
I am so looking forward to this, I hit a slight reason for wishing PageBuilder could be used within Articles today...and you just answered my wish :)
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
Thanks :)
7 years ago
Hello, what about editor? can we use links -> from joomla menu now or its still copy paste url / what about adding url to download pdf or doc file?
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
Let's see what is coming in future.
7 years ago
WOW. thumb up!
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
Portia Stewart
7 years ago
Thank you for the update. Will you be adding a Print option to the Schedule page so people can print a clean copy of the Eventum Schedule?
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
Please request the feature in our forum.

Alvaro Flores
7 years ago
will there be an easy way to migrate all pages into the new 2.0 version? I just installed it on my development environment and it crashed all of the pages - both frontend and backend - it looks awesome though!
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
All old pages will be compatible. No need to migrate but right now the current version is only for fresh installation.
Paco Guio
Paco Guio
7 years ago
Hello, another thing that I see is that pagebuilder in joomla articles not let you use it within the article already created, only gives you the option to view in the frontend or article or page created with pagebuilder. Would be great in an article already created with joomla content could add ons, that and a good editor in serious insuperable supplements. Still you are doing a great job.
A hug :)
7 years ago
I'm also so asked, whether, if used in the article sp page builder joomla, it remains supportive Tags, metakeyword, metadescription for SEO.
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
You simply can copy the article content if you want. We did nit migrate article contents for a good reason.

Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
They are already supported. We just modified the main content not touched anything else.
Paco Guio
Paco Guio
7 years ago
Nuvo Hello, sorry for being pushy, but I think the more feedback is best for the project. Done at fault to copy and paste the supplements, it is something that I at least use a lot, failing to get the code this option suits me very well and I guess more people. Thank you
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
Will you please explain in details?
Rüdiger P. Strey
Rüdiger P. Strey
7 years ago
Looks awesome! As it will be more an upgrade than an update - will it be included in the actual developer license or do I have to buy it again?
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
You can download using your existing subscription.

7 years ago
First of all I have to thank you for the exact RoadMap! I'll keep my fingers crossed for keeping the deadlines.
Really looking forward to 10th Oct and FrontEnd Editing feature. This will be a total game-changer... if it goes the DIVI-route ;)
[quote]developers can now create addons for our page builder tool and sell/distribute these addons[/quote]
Great opportunities and wise decision!
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
Thank you so much. We're working hard to provide better experience. Please stay with us :)
7 years ago
In previous blog post (alpha 1) you said alpha 2 release will work with other components. Is this mean only joomla articles? Or we can use it in other components with a plugin (Cobalt, Virtuemart etc.)?
Kawshar Ahmed
Kawshar Ahmed
7 years ago
We will add support for popular components one after another.

7 years ago
How can anyone work with Joomla without using Helix 3 and Page Builder?
Suggestion: Support for JSN PowerAdmin would be speeding up every day work. And, if you managed to put Page Builder into articles could you put it into a "Page Builder Module" that could therefore be positioned anywhere in the template, not only in the component area? Just think of a call to action to sign up for a newsletter that is designed with the Page Builder possibilities and included at the end of every blog article etc.
Thanks for your great work.
7 years ago
Icon in Feature Box does not work.
Syed H
Syed H
7 years ago
Joomla Article Support is an awesome step...

How about supporting re-Captcha for contact forms?

[quote]I swear I will not use it on a production/live website[/quote] was an epic liner :)
Syed H
Syed H
7 years ago
Option to Duplicate and Preview a particular page in the dashboard where all the pages are listed will be a great value add.

Looking forward for more awesome-shaping

Best Regards,
Syed H
Syed H
Syed H
7 years ago
Quick observation:

[quote]A click on Categories is taking back to old format.[/quote]
Syed H
Syed H
7 years ago
Pagebreak / Load-more option to break the page down is going to be a huge value add if made available. It will allow the users building long pages divide the page by adding page breaks helping improve on the page load times specially while dealing with long pages.

What do you say?
7 years ago
Are there plans to allow content to be inserted into joomla articles. I have been installing quix and sp pagebuilder but would prefer to just have pagebuilder for this.
7 years ago
[b]Fluid Row[/b] option does not work
7 years ago
Do I have to buy it in order to test an Alpha release?
This is nonsense...
7 years ago
you can wait until stable version release:D

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